Wednesday, October 24, 2018


IT IS NOT A "CARAVAN," IT IS A FOREIGN EXPEDITIONARY INVASION FORCE Caravan With an estimated 7,000 to 10,000 individuals crossing Mexico from Central American countries with the sole purpose of crossing the U.S. border to illegally gain entrance to the United States, the progressive mainstream media refuses to call it what it is … an attempted invasion by a foreign force to breach the sovereignty of the United States of America. And if that is not bad enough, the progressive media goes on to attack any individual or group opposing such an illegal act as being racist and accused of fear-mongering. Minimizing the problem by comparing these “migrants” against the 12-20 million illegal aliens already in the United States. Blaming President Trump for attempting to reassert the rule of law when it comes to the Constitutional issue of protecting our sovereignty and opening our borders to millions of individuals who are rapidly trying to create a safer version of the hell-hole they left on American soil and using American assets – rather than assimilate and become Americans. Attempting to abolish ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) that stands between the horde and American citizens. Remember what Barack Obama said in 2005... “We are a generous and welcoming people in the United States but those who enter the country illegally and those who employ them disrespect the rule of law and they are showing disregard for those who are following the law." “We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked and circumventing the line pf people who are waiting patiently, diligently and lawfully to become immigrants in this country.” The video clip is available here. Or President Bill Clinton in his 1995 Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the State of the Union... All Americans, not only in the States most heavily affected but in every place in this country, are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country. The jobs they hold might otherwise be held by citizens or legal immigrants. The public service they use impose burdens on our taxpayers. That's why our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders more by hiring a record number of new border guards, by deporting twice as many criminal aliens as ever before, by cracking down on illegal hiring, by barring welfare benefits to illegal aliens. In the budget I will present to you, we will try to do more to speed the deportation of illegal aliens who are arrested for crimes, to better identify illegal aliens in the workplace as recommended by the commission headed by former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan. We are a nation of immigrants. But we are also a nation of laws. It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years, and we must do more to stop it. You did not hear the mainstream condemn former presidents Bill Clinton or Barack Obama as racists, bigots, xenophobes -- even when they used the phrase "illegal alien." Bottom line… It’s our country and it is illegal and immoral for the progressive socialist democrats to demand that we engage in massive wealth redistribution and cultural dilution by surrendering our sovereignty, private property, and the fruits of our labor to people attempting to break down the doors to our house.’' It is time to decide on the country you want to live in and leave to your children. VOTE-2018 SORRY, MY LIFE AND MY FAMILY COME BEFORE THE MILLIONS OF PEOPLE IN THE WORLD WHO WANT WHAT I HAVE. -- steve

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