Sunday, October 31, 2021
Obviously President Trump continues to monopolize a major portion of the Libtardian limited brain real estate! So focused on Trump yet unaware of the Chaos resulting from their blindly supporting the Marxist Socialist Democratic Regime occupying our Capital!
Donald Trump reception at World Series draws intense reactions on Twitter
Scott Rogust
Former President Donald Trump made an appearance at Game 4 of the World Series, which caused intense reactions on Twitter.
Former President Donald Trump is no stranger to seeking out attention, especially now that he is out of the White House after losing the election to Joe Biden last year. That was evident on Saturday, as he released a statement claiming that he received an invite to Game 4 of the World Series from MLB commissioner Rob Manfred and New York Yankees president Randy Levine, which turned out to be untrue, much like his "the election was stolen from me" claims.
Nevertheless, Trump was in attendance at Truist Park alongside former First Lady Melania, to watch the Atlanta Braves take on the Houston Astros.
As it the case with Trump, his appearance will generate strong reactions on Twitter, especially rom his supporters and his detractors.
Trump reception at World Series Game 4
Trump was briefly acknowledged to be in attendance by the FOX broadcast. Video did circulate across social media of Trump participating in the Tomahawk chop with Braves fans at Truist Park.
Also in attendance with Trump is Herschel Walker, who is running for United States Senate to represent Georgia. Trump endorsed Walker in his run against incumbent Reverend Raphael Warnock.
45 previously attended the 2019 World Series at Nationals Park, and he was greeted with a mixed reaction from fans when introduced by the PA announcer.
Donald Trump
Read this on the Web
Former President Donald Trump to reportedly attend World Series game
No one invited Donald Trump to the World Series
Melania Trump looks absolutely miserable with husband at World Series Game 4
Trump Gives Biden an ‘F’ Grade, But Says He ‘Would Love to See Him Do Well’
Donald Trump does tomahawk chop at World Series Game 4 in Atlanta
Limousine Libtardian demonstration of HYPOCRICY!
Biden's 85-vehicle motorcade a textbook example of hypocrisy from 'limousine liberals': Boothe
'The Big Saturday Show's' panelists uncovered the 'rules for thee, but not for me' hypocrisy of the modern left
By Graham Colton | Fox News
Want proof that President Biden is just another "limousine liberal"? Check out his 85-vehicle motorcade through Rome this weekend ahead of Sunday's COP26 UN Climate Change Conference, says Fox News contributor Lisa Boothe.
Boothe called climate change a "limousine liberal issue" during an appearance on Fox News' "The Big Saturday Show" in the aftermath of Biden's extravagant vehicular display overseas.
"The issue of climate change is a limousine liberal issue," Boothe said. "The Republican Party has turned into the party for the American worker, and Democrats are the party for coastal elites. This issue alone underscores that point."
Boothe also cited Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., illegally parking her "$59,000" Tesla outside a Whole Foods store and U.S. climate envoy John Kerry "exclusively [flying] private" as examples of "limousine liberal issues … [that] hurt hardworking Americans the most."
A driver polishes a window of a car in the motorcade of President Biden as he waits outside the Chigi Palace in Rome, Friday, Oct. 29, 2021.
A driver polishes a window of a car in the motorcade of President Biden as he waits outside the Chigi Palace in Rome, Friday, Oct. 29, 2021. (Associated Press)
"If Democrats actually cared about emissions, they would look toward things like natural gas, nuclear power as well," she continued. "But they don't care about these issues. They don't care about emissions. All they care about is virtue-signaling to their other limousine liberal friends."
"They don't care about emissions. All they care about is virtue-signaling to their other limousine liberal friends."
— Lisa Boothe, Fox News contributor
Lisa Boothe, Fox News contributor
Lisa Boothe, Fox News contributor
Democrat Mario Procaccino coined the term "limousine liberal" in his ill-fated 1969 campaign for New York City mayor. Author and journalist Tom Wolfe perhaps popularized the insult in his 1970 essay, "Radical Chic: That Party at Lenny's."
President Biden departs after having a bilateral meeting with Pope Francis and His Eminence Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State, at the Vatican, Oct. 29, 2021. (Reuters)
U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., wears a "Tax The Rich" dress by Brother Vellies and Aurora James at the Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute Gala in New York City, Sept. 13, 2021. (Reuters)
"This is hypocrisy … to the teeth," Fox News contributor Sean Duffy said.
"What gets me," he continued, is that "every single one" of the Democrats who "bash[ed]" energy executives for oil production and contributing to climate change at a House hearing earlier this week "fl[ies] on airplanes, …drive[s] cars, …heat[s] their homes, …turn[s] on the lights," etc.
"And they're bashing every single one of the energy executives who actually produce the energies that make their lives work," he said.
"They're bashing every single one of the energy executives who actually produce the energies that make their lives work."
— Sean Duffy, Fox News contributor
Sean Duffy, Fox News contributor.
Sean Duffy, Fox News contributor.
Panelist Jackie DeAngelis questioned why Biden does not apply "more pressure" on China and India - "the two biggest polluters in the world" - instead of taxing Americans to fund electric vehicle subsidies and other climate change provisions in the social spending bill.
"Why is it that we have to pay more to pay for the perils that are happening across the globe when it comes to climate change, and everybody else can just shrug their shoulders and look the other way?," she asked.
As DeAngelis noted, AAA's national average price for a gallon of gas was $3.40 Saturday, compared to $2.14 only a year ago. Oil prices have hit a seven-year high of about $85 per barrel "when they were sub-$50 for the longest time," she said.
Saturday, October 30, 2021
How does this happen?
10 Poorest Cities in America (How did it happen?)
City, State, % of People Below the Poverty Level
1. Detroit , MI 32.5%
2. Buffalo , NY 29.9%
3 Cincinnati , OH 27.8%
4. Cleveland , OH 27.0%
5. Miami , FL 26.9%
5 St. Louis , MO 26.8%
7 El Paso , TX 26.4%
8. Milwaukee , WI 26.2%
9. Philadelphia , PA 25.1%
10. Newark , NJ 24.2%
(Now, watch closely... at no time will the fingers leave the hands...) What do these top ten cities (over 250,000 pop.) with the highest poverty rate all have in common?
1. Detroit, MI - (1st on poverty rate list) hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1961
2. Buffalo, NY - (2nd) Democrat mayors since 1954
3. Cincinnati, OH - (3rd) Democrat mayors since 1984
4. Cleveland, OH - (4th) since 1989
5. Miami, FL - (5th) has NEVER had a Republican mayor
6. St. Louis, MO - (6th) not since 1949
7. El Paso, TX - (7th) has NEVER had a Republican mayor
8. Milwaukee, WI - (8th) not since 1908
9. Philadelphia, PA - (9th) not since 1952
10. Newark, NJ - (10th) not since 1907 (this is not a misprint!)
Einstein once said, 'The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.'
Are the poor habitually electing Democrats ... yet they are still poor?
"You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence.
You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves."
~ Abraham Lincoln
Makes you think old Abe was onto something?
Friday, October 29, 2021
Oops! China's 'Stealth Ships' Aren’t So Stealthy After All It turns out that China's Type-022 missile boats aren't resistant to radar detection. BY KYLE MIZOKAMI OCT 27, 2021
Oops! China's 'Stealth Ships' Aren’t So Stealthy After All
It turns out that China's Type-022 missile boats aren't resistant to radar detection.
OCT 27, 2021
type 022U.S. NAVY
China's Type-022 missile boats have long been seen as stealthy.
The boats feature sharp angular lines and hidden missile launchers.
In reality, the boats show up in commercially available radar scans of the Chinese coastline.
China's largest class of warships—once thought to be wholly resistant to radar detection—are actually quite visible to radar scans after all.
The Houbei-class fast-attack boats, which bristle with anti-ship missiles, are easily seen in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) that remote sensing companies use, according to naval authority H.I. Sutton, author of the Covert Shores blog. He has uncovered convincing evidence that the Type-022's radar-evading design is a myth. This calls into serious question whether other forms of radar can detect the boats, too, and whether or not their stealthy lines are actually just for show.
In the mid-2000s, China built a fleet of 82 Type-022 fast-attack craft. Known as the Houbei-class, the tiny boats are just 141 feet long and displace 250 tons. A catamaran design, each can sail at a top speed of 36 knots and support a crew of 14. Each is equipped with an AK-630 30-millimeter Gatling gun and eight YJ-83 anti-ship missiles, giving them the firepower of a destroyer. China likely built the large fleet of ships, useful for coastal defense, as a response to the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz's transit of the Taiwan Strait in 1995. At the time, the People's Liberation Army Navy was powerless to stop the carrier from passing through the waterway separating Taiwan from mainland China.
Will Tensions Over Taiwan Lead to an All-Out War?
The Type-022 boats have long been seen as stealthy. The boats have a low profile in the water, flat surfaces, and sharp, angular lines. The eight anti-ship missiles are carried above deck, but in sloped box launchers that are part of the hull (rather than in individual missile canisters like Harpoon missiles on the deck of an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer).
Sutton agrees that the Houbei-class boats certainly look stealthy: "Everything is carefully angled and even the window frames have saw-tooth edges," he notes in a piece for USNI News. Even Combat Fleets of the World, the authoritative guide to navies worldwide, describes the Type-022 class as including "numerous signature reduction and stealth features."
Well, maybe not.
This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
Sutton worked with San Francisco, California-based Capella Space to show that space-based Synthetic Aperture Radar can easily detect the boats. Various features of the boats are visible in the radar images he acquired, including the bow and missile box launchers.
Radar covers a large band of frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum, and the bands, typically named with a Roman letter, often have unique capabilities. Synthetic Aperture Radar, for example, can penetrate clouds, rain, and even tree canopy cover to survey the ground below. This makes it particularly suitable for remote Earth-sensing duties, including tracking forests, ice, and even different types of agricultural crops. Capella satellites use X-band radar in the 9.4 to 9.9 Gigahertz range.
So, is the Type-022's detectability by Synthetic Aperture Radars a problem for the Chinese fleet? It's quite possible. The AN/APG-81 radar mounted on the nose of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter also operates in the X-band. Ticonderoga and Arleigh Burke-class cruisers and destroyers use the SPY-1 radar system (which operates in the S-band), which is also used to an extent in Synthetic Aperture Radar. Other military surveillance assets, including satellites and aircraft, also use dedicated SAR radar to track everything from tank columns to the periscopes of submarines.
The Arleigh Burke-class destroyers were the first surface combatants in the U.S. Navy built with radar reduction in mind. Although the Burke-class ships are covered from bow to stern with guns, antennas, missile launchers, and even hand railings, they are thought to incorporate some level of radar efficiency reduction. (That's a good thing for wartime, not so good for peacetime, when navigating around commercial ships that rely on radar for situational awareness.)
Satellites Can Detect Warships by Radar Signals
Can This New Radar System Track the Stealthy F-35?
The kings of stealth at sea are the U.S. Navy's three Zumwalt-class stealth destroyers. The Zumwalt, Michael Monsoor, and Lyndon B. Johnson appear in some ways similar to the Type-022, but the U.S. military's long experience with stealth means their covertness is unquestionable. Each of the destroyers is 600 feet long, yet reportedly appears the same size on radar as a small fishing boat.
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Truth Social: Something good for Social Media & AMERICA!
Exclusive: Company says it will put Trump back online
Margaret Harding McGill
RightForge, an internet infrastructure company that courts conservatives, will host former President Trump's new social media platform, CEO Martín Avila told Axios on Monday.
Why it matters: By relying on a web hosting service that won't cut ties over controversial comments, Trump's new platform could avoid the problems conservative network Parler faced when Amazon pulled its web services following the Capitol insurrection.
Yes, but: Representatives affiliated with the Trump network declined to comment on whether RightForge is their provider, and Trump's business deals are notoriously messy and full of reversals.
Driving the news: RightForge is preparing for Trump's new social media network, Truth Social, to have more than 75 million users, Avila said.
"We're laying the groundwork for that," Avila said. "That's why there will be servers everywhere."
Avila said RightForge spent 2021 building a global network in response to the de-platforming of Trump and Parler, and the Trump team approached the company over the summer.
"If you believe that the president should be de-platformed, we believe that you're not really interested in living in a free country," Avila told Axios. "And that's really what we're all about is making sure that America stays true to its core ideas, and that the marketplace of ideas stays open."
What's happening: The Trump Media & Technology Group announced Truth Social earlier this month.
The business says its mission is "to create a rival to the liberal media consortium and fight back against the 'Big Tech' companies of Silicon Valley, which have used their unilateral power to silence opposing voices in America."
Trump was banned from the major social apps after the insurrection.
Truth Social is expected to begin a launch for invited guests in November, with a nationwide rollout expected in the first quarter of next year.
Monday, October 25, 2021
HOWS THAT WORKING OUT FOR YOU? Under Trump we had Energy Independence & Net Exporter = lower prices, & a thriving economy!With Biden, Energy Dependence, economy gone to toilet, gas/propane prices are skyrocketing & shortages are on the horizon! Choosing Biden & Democrats over Trump is comparable to “Shitting in Your Pants & then Changing Your Shirt!”
Natural-Gas Sticker Shock Is Coming to Your Dinner Table and Commute
Expensive natural gas is having all sorts of cascading effects, some of which may only show up next year
There may be less room to curb natural-gas consumption without causing substantial disruption to households’ essential needs.
By Jinjoo Lee
Oct. 25, 2021 8:03 am ET
High natural-gas prices today mean your electricity and heating bills will likely be expensive this winter. Next year, it could mean you will end up paying more to eat and to fill up your car.
In Europe, where natural gas is almost six times as expensive as it was a year earlier, fertilizer companies—including Norwegian company Yara, as well as BASF and Borealis—have announced curtailments as a result of expensive gas. Fertilizer production in the region has dropped as much as 40% as a result of tight supplies, according to CME Group. Natural gas can account for up to 85% of the production cost of ammonia, a key ingredient for many fertilizers, according to estimates from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
A further wrinkle is that those factories produce carbon dioxide as a byproduct. The gas is crucial for the food industry; it is used to carbonate drinks, keep food fresh and to stun chickens and pigs before slaughtering. Last month the situation looked dire enough that the U.K. government stepped in to subsidize fertilizer manufacturer CF Industries, which had shut some of its operations, to make sure food supplies weren’t threatened.
The effect on food might not end there. High natural-gas prices already have made nitrogen-based fertilizers more expensive, with both ammonia and urea prices in the U.S. roughly tripling compared with a year earlier, according to data from ICIS.
Adding to the rally, China, one of the world’s largest fertilizer exporters, is said to be imposing curbs on shipments, according to a report released last Tuesday on Bloomberg.
If high prices persist, more farmers are likely to opt next year for planting soybeans, which require less fertilizer, according to Mark Milam, fertilizers senior editor at ICIS, who notes that “buyer reluctance” from farmers is starting to build as a result of surging costs.
Roughly three million acres of U.S. corn, out of around 90 million in total, could switch to soybeans next year, according to estimates from S&P Global Platts. Other crops that are sensitive to fertilizer price swings include wheat, oats and barley, according to the USDA. Corn futures for next harvest season have risen 4.2% in the past month.
Roughly three million acres of U.S. corn, out of around 90 million in total, could switch to soybeans next year.
High fertilizer prices would have ripple effects. Anything that makes corn expensive could show up in the prices of pantry staples such as cereal and cooking oil, not to mention meat because corn is the main ingredient in livestock feed.
Moreover, it could increase prices at the pump if it raises ethanol prices; most gasoline sold in the U.S. today contains some ethanol as a result of Renewable Fuel Standard regulations. In Europe, further curtailments of fertilizer plants would also impact the supplies of an exhaust fluid known as AdBlue that is used to help neutralize diesel emissions.
“Demand destruction” from high prices is necessary to balance the market, but these cascading effects illustrate that there may be less room to curb natural-gas consumption than one might think without causing substantial disruption to households’ essential needs.
Industrial demand for natural gas seems disposable until it starts affecting food supplies. It is also a reminder of just how inextricably the world’s industries—even those that help curb emissions—are still tied to fossil fuels.
This winter’s big chill could be felt far, long and wide.
What the Inflation of the 1970s Can Teach Us Today
The U.S. inflation rate reached a 13-year high recently, triggering a debate about whether the country is entering an inflationary period similar to the 1970s. WSJ’s Jon Hilsenrath looks at what consumers can expect next.
Biden, the great unifier, failed miserably in USA, however working, as if planned, for our enemies seeking to exploit American weaknesses across the world!
A group of naval vessels from Russia and China conduct a joint maritime military patrol in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, in this still image taken from video released on October 23, 2021.
A group of naval vessels from Russia and China conduct a joint maritime military patrol in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, in this still image taken from video released on October 23, 2021.
(CNN)Russian and Chinese warships have conducted the first ever joint patrol in the western part of the Pacific Ocean, the Russian defense ministry said in a statement on Saturday.
The patrols involved a total of 10 warships, five from each nation, and lasted a week, from Sunday, October 17 to Saturday, October 23, covering 1,700 nautical miles, according to the Ministry.
The objective of the joint patrol was to "demonstrate the state flags of Russia and China, maintain peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region and also protect facilities of both countries' maritime economic activity," the statement read.
"During the patrol, the group of warships passed through the Tsugaru Strait for the first time," the statement added.
Chinese and Russian militaries link up, but analysts say both sides have differing objectives
Chinese and Russian militaries link up, but analysts say both sides have differing objectives
The Tsugaru strait is body of water between the Japanese islands of Honshu and Hokkaido in the northern part of the country, connecting the Sea of Japan with the Pacific Ocean.
In addition to the patrol, the two navies practiced joint tactical maneuvers and did a series of military drills, the statement added.
The two countries have an ongoing military partnership and have conducted a series of joint military drills, the most high profile of which was "Vostok 2018," which involved a simulated battle in which a Russian-Chinese coalition fought a fictional enemy.
In August, Russia and China joined forces once again to use a joint command and control system, with Russian troops integrated into Chinese formations, according to a statement by China's defense ministry at the time.
Russia's leader Vladimir Putin has an ally in Chinese President Xi Jinping, with Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian telling a news briefing in June that the two countries were "united like a mountain" with an "unbreakable" friendship.
CNN's Brad Lendon, Nectar Gan, Ben Westcott, Mary Ilyushina and Nathan Hodge contributed to this report.
Thursday, October 21, 2021
It’s a Marxist Socialist Democratic Regime Conspiracy to Abduct Children from their Parents! Act Now or LOSE THEM ! Let me simplify…Ultimately Biden/Obambo Youth, it worked for Hitler!
White House Collaborated With School Board Group On Letter Comparing Parents To ‘Domestic Terrorists’
Attorney General Garland Testifies Before House Judiciary Committee
(Photo by Greg Nash-Pool/Getty Images)
October 21, 2021
4:19 PM ET
The school board association responsible for comparing parents to “domestic terrorists” reportedly collaborated with President Joe Biden’s White House before publishing its letter calling for federal assistance in dealing with concerned parents.
Emails obtained by Parents Defending Education, a concerned parents organization, uncovered that the CEO of the National School Board Association (NSBA) — the nation’s largest school board association — was in communication with the White House for “several weeks” before the organization’s letter dropped. According to the emails, the White House had requested additional information on the “specific threats” taking place across the country.
“[I]n talks over the last several weeks with White House staff, they requested additional information on some of the specific threats, so the letter also details many of the incidents that have been occurring,” CEO Chip Slaven said in a Sept. 29 email.
Chip Slaven Emails
Screenshot/Parents Defending Education
The letter addressed to Biden was released on Sept. 29 and requested the assistance of the federal government, including the FBI and Department of Justice, in dealing with allegedly unruly parents at school board meetings. (RELATED: Parents Announce ‘Not Domestic Terrorists’ Rally In Front Of The Justice Department)
“America’s public schools and its education leaders are under an immediate threat. The [NSBA] respectfully asks for federal law enforcement and other assistance to deal with the growing number of threats of violence and acts of intimidation occurring across the nation,” the letter reads. “As these acts of malice, violence, and threats against public school officials have increased, the classification of these heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.”
For years, the Marxist Socialist Democratic Leftardians have attempted to seize & exercise power over the American people! In recent years, “Global Warming” was their dogma. Controlling the means of production/consumption of energy, food, water, etc….to “Save the World from Man-made Global Warning” was their roadmap to POWER!
Trump Beat Hillary…Became President of United States!
Global Warming Myths exposed…
American becomes Great Again…US Enemies in Retreat!
Energy Independence, gas prices plummeted…
Southern Border Secured…
Peace in Middle East & elsewhere…
Left’s Power Base Eroding…Retaliation being planned in smoked-filled back rooms…
Congressional Kangaroo Courts of Impeachments…
CHINESE develop & Release COVID-19 (w/CDC Funding)…
Marxist Socialist Democratic Leftards see a chance to seize & regain POWER…
2020 Election Debacle
Marxist Socialist Democratic Regime Occupies DC
Draconian Nationwide COVID-19 Controls Instituted…
Southern Border Control Neutralized, millions of potential government dependent immigrants, drugs surge, & human trafficking invade US…
Education Ramps Up Indoctrination/Brainwashing of Childred w/Critical Race, Genger Nullification & othe leftest Dogma...
Economy & Energy Independence Destroyed…
International Chaos, Afgan Humiliation & Distrust By Allies…
Leftards Again in Power & Slowly Destroying American Greatness from within!
All the while complaisant social & mass media continues to act as the Regime’s Propaganda Wing, keeping the general public Indoctrinated…in the dark… Fat, Dumb, & Uninformed! IT’S TIME TO TAKE BACK AMERICA! Get Off Your Couch and Get’er DONE!
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Tom Cotton: We Know What Is Behind Biden’s Secrecy With His Latest Scandal
Oct 20, 2021
WASHINGTON, DC - SEPTEMBER 29: Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) delivers remarks during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing examining Texas's abortion law on Capitol Hill on September 29, 2021 in Washington, DC.
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) addressed the Biden administration’s latest controversy, flying illegal aliens across the U.S. in the dead of night, by saying that the administration was desperately trying avoid the public seeing what they are doing because it is a political disaster for them.
“The obvious reason why they’re flying these migrants across the country in the dead of night is because they don’t want to reveal the consequences of their open borders policy,” Cotton said. “Look, if they were proud of their policy, if they thought it was a political winner for them, they’d be having these flights in the middle of the daytime, they’d be coordinating it with the local TV stations, they’d be celebrating what they view as a great accomplishment.”
“But they know that Joe Biden’s open border policy is a political disaster. So they’re trying to hide the consequences of that policy in the dark of night,” Cotton continued. “It’s very hurtful for President Biden politically, but it’s a catastrophe for our country, we’re going to be close to 2 million migrants crossing our border very soon. Texas is a big country with a lot of great people, but not even Texas can keep 2 million new residents there. That’s why they’re flying them to places like Florida and New York and all points in between.”
“And it’s going to put real strain on those communities, on their hospitals, on their school systems, on their housing, on their police departments as well,” he added. “All of these migrants should not be in Texas, or Florida or New York, they should be in Mexico, because President Biden should have kept the Remain in Mexico policy in place to make sure that people aren’t entering the country with bogus claims of asylum. But he rescinded on his first day. Federal Courts have told him he has to re implement it. He’s gonna do that next month. But in the meantime, we’ve had 2 million illegal migrants not just crossed the border, but fanned out across the country.”
Cotton later called Biden’s open border policies a “moral catastrophe” that is “creating incentives for very dangerous and immoral behavior.”
SANDRA SMITH, FOX NEWS HOST: And this is a comment and a statement that they put out yesterday, so no new one as of today. But here it reads, “It is our legal responsibility to safely care for unaccompanied children until they can be swiftly unified with a parent or a vetted sponsor. As part of the unification process, our Office of Refugee Resettlement facilitates travel for the children in its custody to their family or sponsors across the country. In recent weeks, unaccompanied children pass through the Westchester airport en route to their final destination to be unified with their parents or vetted sponsor.” Now let’s bring in Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton. Senator, welcome. This story is captivating the nation as we see these flights landing in the dark of night. Why the secrecy? And again, we have reached out many times on this report to the White House and they are not deploying anybody to us. And they have not given us a direct statement on it. So why the secrecy?
SEN. TOM COTTON (R-AR): Well, that’s a very good question. I remember when I was in the Army, on Friday afternoon, the first sergeant would brief all the privates for the weekend. And he’d remind them that nothing good usually happens after midnight. And I think we can now extend that old army wisdom to Joe Biden’s immigration policy as well. The obvious reason why they’re flying these migrants across the country in the dead of night is because they don’t want to reveal the consequences of their open borders policy. Look, if they were proud of their policy, if they thought it was a political winner for them, they’d be having these flights in the middle of the daytime, they’d be coordinating it with the local TV stations, they’d be celebrating what they view as a great accomplishment. But they know that Joe Biden’s open border policy is a political disaster. So they’re trying to hide the consequences of that policy in the dark of night.
SMITH: The New York Post Editorial Board shared a similar sentiment … here’s the editorial board this morning, in addition to their reporting on this, saying, “Biden playing a deadly game using these secret flights to move migrants. There’s a reason the Biden administration is using these secret flights to small airports to move unaccompanied minors who illegally cross the border. They don’t want voters to know just how many people are being waved right into the country, because President Biden understands that open borders might be the policy of progressives, but it’s not popular among the majority of Americans.” And bottom line, this is a sign as we see this happening, Senator, that this is not just a border issue. We are now seeing this spread to many other parts of the country. And with these flights landing in Westchester, reportedly, these migrant children are being sent to all over the Tri-state area; we know of a facility in Long Island; we have phone calls into them. They are not returning our calls. And they’re certainly not giving us any statement on the demographic of those children, how they’re being vetted. We are told that some landing our men in their early 20s. So how big of an issue is this for President Biden, politically, if he continues to remain silent on what his what his strategy is here?
COTTON: Well, it’s very hurtful for President Biden politically, but it’s a catastrophe for our country; we’re going to be close to 2 million migrants crossing our border very soon. Texas is a big country with a lot of great people, but not even Texas can keep 2 million new residents there. That’s why they’re flying them to places like Florida and New York and all points in between. And it’s going to put real strain on those communities, on their hospitals, on their school systems, on their housing, on their police departments as well. All of these migrants should not be in Texas, or Florida or New York, they should be in Mexico, because President Biden should have kept the Remain in Mexico policy in place to make sure that people aren’t entering the country with bogus claims of asylum. But he rescinded on his first day. Federal Courts have told him he has to reimplement it. He’s gonna do that next month. But in the meantime, we’ve had 2 million illegal migrants not just crossed the border, but fanned out across the country. … I don’t see how it’s moral to encourage desperate parents who are living in poverty, to try to send their children thousands of miles across Latin America to get to our southern border. It’s all so totally arbitrary. There are many places in Africa and Asia and Europe, that would love to come here, but simply because they don’t share a land border with the United States or can’t get to a land border, they’re not welcome in our country? This is the moral catastrophe of Joe Biden’s immigration policy. They act like it’s some great moral victory, when in reality, it’s creating incentives for very dangerous and immoral behavior.
Biden to Participate in ‘Invitation Only’ CNN-run Town Hall … Translation: By & For #MarxistSocialistDemocraticUsefulIdiots ONLY! Scripted, Spun & Controlled by the Regime Handlers!
R. MitchellOctober 20, 2021
President Biden’s handlers are doing everything they can to prevent the president from having to answer questions for which they have not had time to prepare him.
On Thursday, Biden will participate in a CNN town hall event in heavily liberal Baltimore, Maryland. The event will be hosted by CNN’s Anderson Cooper and include only invited guests in the audience. To be invited, a person must pre-submit a question at this link and have it accepted by whomever is reviewing them.
In another failure of “the most transparent administration”, the location of the event has not yet been announced. This is likely in the hopes of avoiding protests similar to those at other announced Biden appearances. The last thing CNN wants is a large group of people shouting “Let’s Go Brandon” just outside of the network’s made-for-Biden event.
That’s right:
In Baltimore
Hosted by CNN
With an invitation-only audience
Pre-submitted questions
at a (so far) undisclosed location
When you know you aren’t popular, you do what you can for optics…. or something.
This event is meant to reverse Biden’s terrible approval numbers (37% and dropping) and give him a platform to push his very unpopular, multi-trillion dollar taxation and spending spree. His “Build Back Better” agenda is currently being ripped-apart by separate factions of his own party.
For this event, Biden and CNN make an almost perfect pairing as CNN is having major ratings issues of their own:
The 90-minute town hall will air at 8 p.m. EDT on CNN. Don’t forget to submit your questions if you want to attend.
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Laura He China's real estate crisis could threaten growth into 2022.
Construction at Evergrande Cultural Tourism City, a mixed-used residential-retail-entertainment development in China’s eastern Jiangsu province has been halted.
China's growth is seriously slowing down as the country lurches from one economic threat to another. And while some of the biggest pain points appear to be easing, an unfolding crisis in real estate is emerging as one of Beijing's toughest challenges in the coming year.
The country's GDP grew at its slowest pace in a year last quarter, expanding just 4.9% from a year earlier. Compared to the prior quarter, the economy grew a mere 0.2% from July to September — one of the weakest quarters since China started releasing such records in 2011.
Disruptions due to the global shipping crisis and a massive energy crunch contributed to the slowdown.
Shipping delays and mounting inventories in China have hit smaller manufacturers that are now hurting for cash, resulting in lost orders and production cuts. And factory output has been dented in large part because of power shortages, a result of high demand for fossil fuel that has clashed with a national push to reduce carbon emissions.
But some of the most significant concerns for growth are now rippling through the real estate sector, which is suffering from the energy woes along with a government drive to curb excessive borrowing.
Real estate-related activities — including cement and steel production — registered steep contractions last month, as did property sales and new construction projects. That has led to reduced property investment, which contracted in September for the first time since March 2020.
On Wednesday, the National Bureau of Statistics announced that average housing prices in 70 major cities dropped slightly in October from the previous month. Goldman Sachs estimated the month-on-month drop at an annualized rate of 0.5%, the first decline since April 2015.
While the power crunch has undoubtedly weighed on the real estate sector, Beijing's crackdown is also taking its toll. Fearing the property market had become overheated, the government last year started requiring developers to cut their debt levels. It has also pledged to tame runaway home prices.
Since then, companies like embattled conglomerate Evergrande have been grappling with major debt problems, triggering worries about the risk of contagion for the sector and the broader economy.
Beijing seems unlikely to do much to ease its tight curbs on the real estate sector, according to economists at Société Générale — "possibly because they are attributing most of the blame to the power crunch, which has now eased but is not resolved."
"To our mind, housing is the key and there seems nothing substantial in the near term to mitigate the downtrend," wrote the firm's Wei Yao and Michelle Lam in a Monday report. They added there is a "very strong consensus among policymakers that housing is at the root of China's many structural problems."
A real estate downturn will almost certainly continue to weigh on economic growth.
Oxford Economics, for example, cut its forecast for fourth quarter growth to 3.6% from 5%. The firm recently trimmed its 2022 GDP forecast to 5.4% from 5.8%, mostly due to concerns about the real estate sector, power shortages and Covid-19.
"Stakes are high in managing the property slowdown," wrote Louis Kuijs, head of Asia economics at Oxford Economics, in a Wednesday report. He added the "relatively large economic footprint" of the real estate sector in China — it comprises about a quarter or so of GDP — means even a gradual or "managed" slowdown would "significantly" affect the economy.
A 'key' challenge long-term
The housing crackdown is China's "key long-term challenge," according to Aidan Yao, senior emerging Asia economist with AXA Investment Managers. He downgraded his forecast for GDP growth this year to 7.9% from 8.5%, partly because of Beijing's firm stance on controlling debt in the property market and elsewhere. Meanwhile, he also sees some downside risks to the 2022 forecast of 5.5%.
Chinese President Xi Jinping's desire to control the housing market is no secret. In 2017, he famously announced that "housing is for living and not for speculation."
But Beijing's campaign has gained additional momentum during the coronavirus pandemic, as the government became concerned that too much cheap money was flooding a sector that was already highly leveraged. That worry led authorities to force developers last year to trim their debt levels.
This year, Xi has also ramped up promises to close what he sees as a worsening wealth gap, saying "common prosperity" would be a top government priority. That pledge has been reflected in tightening rules on all sorts of industries, including tech and other types of private enterprise.
But it's also apparent in real estate, as Chinese state media outlets blame soaring housing prices for worsening income inequality.
As all of this unfolds, a liquidity crunch has worsened among the real estate sector's weakest corporations. Evergrande — which is China's most-indebted developer — has repeatedly missed interest payments and warned it could default.
The company's crisis has unsettled global investors in recent weeks, who worry a bankrupt Evergrande could lead to a domino effect. Other property firms, including Fantasia Holdings and Modern Land, have already indicated they are struggling to pay their debts.
Chinese authorities have tried to assuage fears about Evergrande. The People's Bank of China said Friday the company had mismanaged its business but risks to the financial system were "controllable."
Yao, from AXA Investment Managers, said Beijing isn't likely to change its course on regulation.
While there may be "further fine-tuning" of housing market policies, he sees "no reversal to the overall tightening stance."
Laura He, Reporter & Digital Producer, CNN Business
Laura He is a reporter and digital producer for CNN Business. She covers news about Asian business and markets from Hong Kong
How much of this weapons development was aided & abetted by Clinton’s sale of classified military technology to China during his Presidency? How much $$$ did he & Hillary get for betraying US? Is Biden also getting Richer by selling US to China? What’s a Hunter painting really worth?, …about as much as his business acumen, for which the Chinese & others paid millions…? I’m Still…Waiting for KARMA TO CHECK IN!
In a throwback to the arms race of the Cold War era, U.S. intelligence was surprised to learn last week that China had conducted tests on a new nuclear-capable hypersonic missile that circles the globe before heading to its target. American officials might have underestimated the advancements of China's military. Given the rising challenge China poses to the United States, this is not something we can afford to miscalculate.
What makes these new missiles so much more dangerous than those that already exist? Hypersonic weapons can travel around five times faster than the speed of sound, reaching about 3,850 mph. This makes them incredibly difficult to defend against and highly lethal.
Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.) recently joined "Washington Watch" to discuss China's successful test. She believes that the United States needs to catch up -- and fast. She said, "We have significant resources in [the National Defense Authorization Act] to develop the hypersonic capability ourselves. They're already in the process of researching it, but we need to further move this along as well as to have a strong national defense to be a deterrent against China for ever having to use it or considering using it against us or our allies."
While China continues to build up its military capability, it continues its aggression towards Taiwan, a flourishing democratic society over which China would love to seize control. But the freedom-loving people of Taiwan resist any "reunification" with China because they know that those who suffer the most at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party might very well be Chinese citizens themselves.
In recent years, China has made a name for itself as an egregious human rights violator. Yet, China has a seat at the United Nations Human Rights Council. Other bad actors on the Human Rights Council include Cuba, Eritrea, Pakistan, Somalia, Venezuela, and others. The power that notorious human rights abusers have on the U.N. Human Rights Council is exactly why the Trump administration wanted nothing to do with an international body they believed had strayed from its mission.
But last week, the United States was elected to and will officially rejoin the U.N. Human Rights Council in January. Bob Fu, president of ChinaAid and FRC's senior fellow on international religious freedom, called the council "dysfunctional." He stated on "Washington Watch" that the Human Rights Council has not only "failed to live up to human rights values, but it has become a covering for the world's worst human rights abusers such as China, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela."
But perhaps what the Human Rights Council is most known for are its relentless attacks against Israel. Fu noted, "After its founding in 2006, the human rights body has passed over 80 condemnation resolutions against Israel, but not a single one against those human rights abusers like China, Russia, Cuba, and Uzbekistan." The mission of the U.N. Human Rights Council is noble, but in practice, it has failed to confront prominent human rights abuses and gone out of its way to bully the small country of Israel.
Now that the United States will have a seat at the U.N. Human Rights Council, American officials must use every opportunity to hold human rights violators accountable, investigate abuses, and take strong public stances on issues that matter, such as China's ongoing genocide against Uyghur Muslims. China is powerful, but it still shouldn't be able to bully the U.N. into silence concerning its abuses. At every opportunity -- inside and outside of the U.N. -- the United States must lead the way in taking a stand against China's mounting human rights violations and military aggression.
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Kamala Harris, Other Top Biden Officials Missing In Action During Crises
Photo of Jonathan Davis Jonathan DavisOctober 18, 2021 80,647
OPINION: This article contains commentary which reflects the author's opinion
Several of President Joe Biden’s top officials and Cabinet members have been missing in action during some of the country’s biggest emergencies and worst crises thus far during his short tenure.
This past week, for instance, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was ripped by critics following reports he has been out of his office for about two months on paternity leave after he and husband Chasten adopted two newborn children while a burgeoning supply chain problem rose to the level of a national emergency.
Fox News has more:
As the Biden administration has juggled crises in Afghanistan, the southern border and the national supply chain, key officials, including the president himself, have declined to make visibility a top priority.
The media wasn’t notified until two months later that Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg had taken a parental leave in mid-August to care for his newborn twins. Buttigieg’s office told Politico on Thursday that he was “mostly offline” for an entire month “except for major agency decisions” and that his activities had been ramping up in recent weeks.
The former South Bend, Ind., mayor who ran for the Democratic presidential nomination last year did not appoint an interim secretary in his absence, though the country’s supply chain issues worsened and store shelves grew sparse and even bare in some parts of the country.
Meanwhile, container ships by the dozens on both coasts sat idle outside of ports for days on end waiting for a spot to open up so they could be offloaded ahead of a holiday shopping season that can often be make-or-break for smaller retailers.
Worse, Buttigieg told CNN on Sunday that the disruptions are only going to get worse for the time being and last well into 2022 ahead of next year’s midterms.
“Certainly a lot of the challenges that we’ve been experiencing this year will continue into next year,” Buttigieg responded. “Look, part of what is happening isn’t just the supply side, it’s the demand side. Demand is off the charts. Retail sales are through the roof. And if you think about those images of ships, for example, waiting at anchor on the West Coast – every one of those ships is full of record amounts of goods that Americans are buying because demand is up because income is up because the president has successfully guided this economy out of the teeth of a terrifying recession.”
“Our supply chains can’t keep up,” he continued. “And of course, our supply chains, that’s a complicated system that is mostly in private hands, and rightly so. Our role is to be an honest broker, bring together all of the different players there, secure commitments, and get solutions that are going to make it easier.”
Republicans have pounced on the issue.
“Pete Buttigieg was completely unqualified to serve as Secretary of Transportation,” Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., tweeted Monday. “Now, Pete is absent during a transportation crisis that is hurting working-class Americans.”
“PETE BUTTIGIEG has been MIA,” Politico noted Thursday.
Buttigieg isn’t the only ranking member of the Biden administration who has been MIA during a number of other pressing issues.
In March, Biden appointed Vice President Kamala Harris to be his government’s “border czar” as illegal immigration reached a fever pitch with record numbers of encounters with federal border authorities, a problem that continued to worsen all summer and into the fall.
But Harris has only taken one high-profile trip to the border: She visited the El Paso Sector in June, though illegal immigration has not been a problem along that section of the boundary. And earlier this month, she was missing from a top meeting with Mexican officials regarding border security.
Finally, Secretary of State Antony Blinken was nowhere to be found as the Taliban were sweeping through Afghanistan and into the capital of Kabul ahead of a then-pressing deadline for all U.S. forces to leave the country.
“Secretary of State Antony Blinken was vacationing in the Hamptons just before the fall of Kabul on Aug. 15, when Taliban insurgents completed their retaking of the country 20 years after their ouster,” Fox News reported.
And Biden himself, along with “first lady Jill took a trip to Rehoboth, Delaware, for a quiet weekend of church service and bike rides” August 29, a day before the deadline, Fox News reported, adding: “The president largely avoided cameras during the initial drawdown, watching the Aug. 15 fall of Kabul unfold from the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland.”
Sunday, October 17, 2021
‘San Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities (The Libtardian Way)
Charles Fain Lehman
'San Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities' by Michael Shellenberger /
San Francisco has a poop problem. Between 2011 and 2019, reports of human feces on public sidewalks quintupled, rising from roughly 5,500 to more than 30,000. Incidents have been on the decline since the COVID pandemic began, but residents still reported an average of 76 turds per day in the first half of 2021.
The Golden Gate city’s intestinal troubles are not news—conservative commentators have made a joke, and a talking point, out of them for ages. But they are metonymic for a dysfunction increasingly apparent in America's big cities, from the West Coast to the East. Many major municipalities are marred by violent crime, homelessness, uncontrolled mental illness, and general disorder. This all in spite of an ever-advancing cadre of progressive leaders, who promise their latest tax hike will finally target the "root causes" of the breakdown.
Why are these big, blue cities breaking down? Climate scientist and Berkeley, Calif., resident Michael Shellenberger tackles the question in his latest book, San Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities.
At core, Shellenberger’s answer is political. Though he takes pains to assure the reader of his liberal bona fides, Shellenberger insists that big cities, particularly San Francisco, have been captured by a too-progressive ideology. City leaders have begrudgingly embraced the priorities of the activist class that staffs the various NGOs providing key services, including support for the homeless, the mentally ill, and the drug addicted.
The result is urban disaster. Shellenberger covers the vogue for "housing first" policy, which emphasizes placing homeless people in housing without sobriety or medication requirements, and which he argues does not consistently reduce the pathologies that lead to homelessness. He discusses the "harm reduction" approach to drug policy, which can mean providing users with the materials to use without "coercing" them into treatment. And he outlines the rising skepticism of policing and public safety, alongside decarceral reforms, which have created an atmosphere supportive of criminal offending.
Of course, disentangling cause and effect in policymaking is hard. But California is one of just a handful of states to see dramatic increases in its homeless population over the past decade, and the state’s deliberate reduction in the punishment for minor property offending is associated with a spike in shoplifting. And the Golden State is proudly progressive—a progressivism doubtless even more common among the people who staff the NGOs that actually manage its big cities' streets.
As far as a liberal's case to liberals against the excesses of liberalism goes, San Fransicko is a useful contribution to the genre. It suffers from some of the usual flaws of popular nonfiction: Some chapters seem unnecessary, and one suspects the whole thing could have been slashed down to a 10,000-word essay. But the book does well the thing it is meant to do: set out the key contradictions in contemporary liberalism, as underscored by the governance failures of the places it is most common.
One of the peculiar features of American liberalism is the selectiveness of its paternalism. Liberals are happy to embrace coercive policies that affect the average citizen—vaccine mandates, say, or soda taxes. But when it comes to the least of us—the drug addicted, the mentally ill, the chronically homeless, the repeated victims of crime—it adopts an inexplicably laissez faire stance. This approach, sociologist Neil Gong has argued, is dramatically at odds with how those with means ask to be treated. While the mentally ill rich seek maximum paternalism, the mentally ill poor are afforded the freedom to be mad.
This tendency runs in apparent contradiction to the left's usual statist bent. The anti-psychiatry movement, the push to deinstitutionalize and ban compulsory drug treatment, and of course the movement to defund the police, are all basically libertarian, inasmuch as they work to reduce the capacity of the state to regulate certain kinds of antisocial conduct. These regulations are considered per se illegitimate, because they fail to target the "root causes" of this behavior—racism, sexism, capitalism, etc.
Such "root causes" thinking is, of course, fallacious: Nothing about a cause’s proximity to an effect makes it more or less suited to policy intervention. But more important, it confuses the question of whom it is fair to manage—average citizens are fair game, whereas the oppressed are oppressed enough as is—with whom it benefits society to manage. The public dispute becomes over how to be compassionate to the schizophrenic (where compassion is always synonymous with license), wholly obviating discussion of the harms done to society by his camping out on the sidewalk, harms for which we increasingly lack moral language.
The sort of policies Shellenberger endorses at the end of the book—a statewide psych authority, expanded conservatorship, a more carrot-and-stick approach to mental health and drug abuse treatment—would probably benefit their objects. But they would also benefit the other members of society, who are entitled to be free of antisocial behavior. That entitlement, of the average American, has fallen out of fashion. But it is the entitlement at the core of the social contract, and governments of all sizes forget it at their peril.
San Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities
by Michael Shellenberger
Harper, 416 pp., $28.99
Charles Fain Lehman is a fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor to City Journal. He was previously a staff writer at the Washington Free Beacon
Friday, October 15, 2021
Biden White House on High Alert:
Effective Senolytic drugs found to act as a "smart bomb" to “take out” Marxist Socialist Democratic dysfunctional politicans & their operatives attempting to destroy America and it’s way of life! CDC to develop a vaccine ASAP!
Thursday, October 14, 2021
The Marxist Socialist Democratic Regime’s Chickens Are Coming Home to Roost…
Nancy Pelosi will need extra gin after she got news about about this bombshell new poll
October 12, 2021 in Congress, Elections, Joe Biden
Nancy Pelosi made a claim about Justice Amy Coney Barrett that left Americans furious
When Democrats took control in Washington, D.C., Nancy Pelosi figured it was her time to shine and to push through every Leftist piece of garbage legislation she could.
Unfortunately for Nancy, things haven’t been as smooth as she might have hoped over the last year.
Now Nancy Pelosi will need extra gin after she got news about this bombshell new poll.
Joe Biden and his Democrat team can’t get it together and they continue to destroy the country.
Nancy Pelosi had high hopes for the next few years, believing she could do pretty much anything she pleased.
But from vicious Democrat infighting to Joe Biden’s numerous disastrous moves, Democrats dreams of a Leftist utopia are quickly fading.
Now, Joe Biden’s poll numbers are in free fall and more Americans are demanding answers from the administration on when they plan to stop messing everything up.
And with just a slim majority in the House, Nancy Pelosi is finding it hard to enact much of the nightmare legislation she’d dreamed of inflicting on the American people.
For Nancy Pelosi it could be just the beginning of a rough road to the 2022 midterms.
A recent Quinnipiac poll shows that Nancy Pelosi’s time as Speaker of the House could be over.
According to the poll, Republicans have a lead of 46% to 34% over Democrats on the generic ballot.
A generic ballot serves as a gauge of the current political climate by asking which party a voter would choose for the House of Representatives in the upcoming election.
This does not look good for Nancy Pelosi.
Quinnipiac has been known to overestimate in favor of Democrats in their polls, and if that holds true, 2022 looks really bad for Pelosi.
Polling from Quinnipiac had Biden winning Florida by three in 2020 – Trump won the state by four.
It’s also likely the generic ballot is overstating the Democrats’ strength, which could lead to the bloodbath many are predicting in the 2022 midterm elections.
Democrats in swing states are nervous and Nancy Pelosi is desperate to not lose control.
But with Joe Biden dragging down the entire Democrat Party, it doesn’t look good for Pelosi and her dreams of forever controlling the United States of America.
Peter Doocy, Fox News, asked yet another simple question of the Biden Regime’s Press Secretary which left her spinning off balance trying to justify the Regime’s latest economic boondoggle! THIS…Presents a fine example as to “Stupid is as Stupid Does” & the belief that the Public is as STUPID as their Democratic supporters!
Americans were stunned when Jen Psaki got asked the one question she had zero comeback for
October 13, 2021 in Joe Biden, Politics
A former White House Press Secretary has this scathing review of Biden’s first news conference
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki flips out on reporters who dare to ask simple questions all the time.
It’s a tough job since no one ever really knows what will come out of Biden’s mouth next, but she has a knack for lying to the American people.
And Jen Psaki’s latest lie stunned Americans after she got asked the one question she had zero comeback for.
Joe Biden’s mental health continues to decline, keeping his staff scrambling to try and cover it up.
Jen Psaki is the Biden administration’s mouthpiece for cover up jobs.
Recently, she’s had her hands full attempting to explain away Biden’s massive trillion-dollar socialist spending bill and her response to one question from a Fox News correspondent had both sides of the political aisle talking.
The Chief White House Correspondent at Fox, Peter Doocy, is known for rattling Psaki’s cage with his probes.
Doocy posed a question to Psaki about the price tag on Biden’s plan.
“You said the President’s gonna have a virtual meeting with House Progressives to talk about how this ‘Build Back Better’ package is now gonna be smaller than $3.5 trillion. You had been saying that it cost zero, so are you now admitting that the plan does not cost zero or is it less than zero?” Doocy asked.
Psaki fired back at Doocy with an astonishing answer.
Biden’s chief spokeswoman assured the American people that his plan will cost zero.
“Let’s not dumb this down for the American public here. What we’re talking about is how much the top-line investments are, which are all paid for, so therefore costs zero. No matter what the costs or size of the top-line investments are, we have ways to pay for it. So the point is that’s important to the American public – all of your viewers too – is that this is not going to cost the American public a dollar,” Psaki exclaimed.
Straight from Biden’s Press Secretary’s mouth – a massive multi-trillion spending bill will cost Americans nothing.
Of course, Psaki wasn’t done with the insanity and went on to say “We are going to pay for this by asking corporations, the highest incomes – so people under $400,000, I should say – we will ask corporations and the wealthy to cover the cost of these necessary investments.”
Psaki is trying to claim this astronomical bill will cost nothing.
She’s just another Democrat lying to try and push a socialist bill on the American people.
And her “zero” under $400,000 response is a bald-faced lie. Joe Biden and the Democrats have massive tax-hikes in store for every American.
Middle and low-income Americans will bear the burden not only through outright tax hikes, but also through rampant inflation.
Worst of all, Biden’s coming after gig workers and everyone else for a lion’s share through IRS harassment of anyone who cashed a check or deposited $600 in their bank accounts.
It’s Joe Biden and the Democrats’ plan to finance their socialist programs by giving the IRS full access to people’s bank accounts so they can nickel-and-dime everyone to death.
Just the fact that Psaki thinks the American people will buy the lie that such nightmares cost zero shows how little she and the Biden White House thinks of them.
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Our Canadian Neighbors are most Welcome! However, the Marxist Socialist Democratic Regime occupying our Nation’s Capital has sold the Southern Border to The Drug/Human Trafficking Cartels who have payed Biden off!
U.S. to lift Canada, Mexico land border restrictions in Nov for vaccinated visitors
Steve Holland
WASHINGTON, Oct 12 (Reuters) - The United States will lift restrictions at its land borders with Canada and Mexico for fully vaccinated foreign nationals in early November, ending historic curbs on non-essential travelers in place since March 2020 to address the COVID-19 pandemic.
U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said in a statement the administration next month "will begin allowing travelers from Mexico and Canada who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 to enter the United States for non-essential purposes, including to visit friends and family or for tourism, via land and ferry border crossings."
The new rules are similar but not identical to planned requirements announced last month for international air travelers, U.S. officials said in a call earlier with reporters.
Lawmakers from U.S border states praised the move to lift the unprecedented restrictions which harmed the economies of local communities and has prevented visits to friends and families for 19 months.
"Since the beginning of the pandemic, members of our shared cross-border community have felt the pain and economic hardship of the land border closures. That pain is about to end," Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said in a statement.
Unvaccinated visitors will still be barred from entering the United States from Canada or Mexico at land borders.
The officials from President Joe Biden's administration emphasized that the White House would not lift the "Title 42" order put in place by former President Donald Trump's administration that has essentially cut off access to asylum for hundreds of thousands of migrants seeking to enter from Mexico.
The precise date in early November when the restrictions will be lifted on both land and air travel will be announced "very soon," one of the officials said.
Homeland Security said the administration was creating "consistent, stringent protocols for all foreign nationals traveling to the United States – whether by air, land, or ferry."
Canada on Aug. 9 began allowing fully vaccinated U.S. visitors for non-essential travel.
A U.S. and a Canadian flag flutter at the Canada-United States border crossing at the Thousand Islands Bridge, which remains closed to non-essential traffic to combat the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Lansdowne, Ontario, Canada September 28, 2020. REUTERS/Lars Hagberg/File Photo
Once the U.S. curbs are lifted, non-essential foreign visitors crossing U.S. land borders, such as tourists, will be able to visit if they are vaccinated. In early January, the United States will require essential visitors, like truck drivers or healthcare workers, to be vaccinated to cross land borders, the officials said.
U.S. lawmakers have been pushing the White House to lift restrictions that have barred non-essential travel by Canadians across the northern U.S. border since March 2020, and many border communities have been hit hard by the closure. Mexico has also pressed the Biden administration to ease restrictions.
Senator Maria Cantwell said the announcement "will provide great relief to those waiting to see friends and loved ones from Canada."
The White House announced on Sept. 20 that the United States in early November would lift travel restrictions on air travelers from 33 countries including China, India, Brazil and most of Europe who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. It also said it would extend the vaccine requirements to foreign air travelers from all other countries.
Foreign visitors crossing into the United States by land or ferry will need to be vaccinated but will not necessarily need to show proof of vaccination unless they are referred by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol for secondary inspections.
By contrast, all non-U.S. air travelers will need to show proof of vaccination before boarding a flight, and will need to show proof of a recent negative COVID-19 test. Foreign visitors crossing a land border will not need to show proof of a recent negative COVID-19 test.
On Friday, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the United States would accept the use by international visitors of COVID-19 vaccines authorized by U.S. regulators or the World Health Organization.
One question unanswered is whether the United States will accept vaccines from visitors who received doses of two different COVID-19 vaccines.
The U.S. land border restrictions have not barred U.S. citizens from returning home.
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Active the National Guard, Declare Marshal Law, Biden’s Marxist Socialist Democratic Regime is under attack from Lefties Within!
Left-wing climate activists protested in Washington, D.C., on Monday, hitting the streets and damaging a statue of President Andrew Jackson while also engulfing the White House to warn President Joe Biden to take them seriously.
“The Build Back Fossil Free coalition took to the DC streets Monday with their five-day-long protest’s aim to spur action by the Biden administration against climate change, mainly by declaring a national emergency and ending projects involving fossil fuels,” Fox News reported.
Siqiñiq Maupin, the director of the coalition’s core member the Sovereign Inupiat for the Living Arctic, said in a Monday email to Fox News demonstrators were taking to the streets of D.C. in order to force Biden to follow through on campaign promises.
“People are dying right now from the pollutants, the toxins, the climate catastrophes that are happening — and we have to stop the harm,” Maupin wrote. “Biden’s election was riding on climate change; his entire election hinged on turning out people of color and Indigenous people.”
“But when it really comes to what matters, our lives are still being sacrificed for oil and gas,” Maupin continued. “That’s why we’re here today.”
The outlet reported that U.S. Park Police were forced to warn of further actions as protests ramped up and demonstrators pushed back against orders to disperse. One female protester was arrested, screaming she did “not want to die” as she was detained, videos posted to social media indicated.
Later, Fox News correspondent Jacqui Heinrich noted that protesters were heard yelling for the president to “respect” them or to “expect” them, while spray painting “expect us” in graffiti on Jackson’s statue near the White House.
Climate action is a priority for the administration, per the White House website: (LOL )
President Biden will take swift action to tackle the climate crisis. To meet the demands of science, the President is mobilizing a whole-of-government effort to reduce climate pollution in every sector of the economy and increase resilience to climate impacts. The Biden Administration will create good-paying, union jobs to build a modern and sustainable infrastructure, deliver an equitable clean energy future, and put the United States on a path to achieve net-zero emissions, economy-wide, by no later than 2050.
“The U.S. Arctic Research Commission is committed to International Collaboration on Arctic Research,” said Arctic Research Commission Chair David Kennedy in May following the conclusion of the Third Arctic Science Ministerial in Tokyo. “As the new Chair of the Commission, I look forward to hearing other country’s interests and priorities with an eye towards future collaboration topics.”
According to the Build Back Fossil Free website, the group claims:
We deserve a world beyond fossil fuels: a world in which workers’ rights, community health, and our shared climate come before corporate profits. That’s why we — hundreds of groups representing millions of people across the country fighting for climate, racial, and economic justice — are coming together to ensure Biden becomes the climate president he promised to be.
"For too long tribal nations, Indigenous communities and our local ecosystems have been forced to bear the burden of the toxic waste created by the United States’ dependency on fossil fuels. Our homelands are poisoned without our consent. President Biden must not just respect our treaties and strengthen Indigenous sovereignty but require that all federal projects that will impact our communities must secure Free, Informed, and Prior Consent,” says a statement from the Indigenous Environmental Network.
“Joe Biden, we’re counting on you to stop approving fossil fuel projects. Put people over polluters!” adds Unique Vance of the Los Angeles Center for Biological Diversity.
“Biden has a climate mandate and he must seize it to lead a national climate mobilization that protects and invests in frontline communities and centers workers’ rights,” says Varshini Pakrash of the Sunrise Movement.
Monday, October 11, 2021
Democrat Terry McAuliffe, is a Marxist Socialist Democratic Stooge, willing to say or do anything to keep his place at the Taxpayers “All You Can Eat, Cheat, or Steal Hog-trough”. If you’re wanting Higher Gas Prices, Inflation, Crime, & Government Control, vote for him! If you’re tired of LOSING, #VoteResponsibly!
Virginia Governor's Race Highlights National Education Concerns
by Matthew Carpenter
With 23 days to go until gubernatorial election day in Virginia and early voting underway, both Republican Glenn Youngkin and Democrat Terry McAuliffe are making their closing arguments to voters in the hopes of driving turnout in their favor. Over the last few months, the polls have shifted decisively away from McAuliffe, and now even Cook Political Report has moved the race from "Lean Democrat" to "toss-up." Only last month, polling showed McAuliffe with a lead outside the margin of error. Now, polling shows the race within the margin of error.
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