Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Guerrero: 2000 attendees at the funeral of school director who died in captivity ...

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Guerrero: 2000 attendees at the funeral of school director who died in captivity

Posted: 18 Jan 2016 10:36 PM PST

Lucio R. for Borderland Beat

"No more kidnappings of teachers!! ", shouted Gabriel Perez Mendoza 18 years old, the nephew of a Guerrero principal who died while in captivity. Perez Mendoza broke down in the middle of his emotional speech at his uncle’s funeral.

More than 2000 people attended the funeral on Sunday  for abducted school principal (called directors in Mexico) Joaquin Real Toldeo the principal of  Secundaria Técnica 114 in  Santana del Águila, Guerrero.

Gunman burst into the school last Monday and violently abducted 5 educators including Real Toledo.

Residents and families pooled together and paid the ransom demand, not knowing Real Toledo was dead, reportedly from an asthma attack sometime during his first day of captivity. 

Although his body was badly decomposed when discovered on Saturday, the 4 surviving teachers gave their testimony.  

They report that on the first day of captivity, Real Toledo complained of difficulty breathing, the teachers told their captors that the principal was in trouble and very ill.  “They didn’t care, and watched him die”, said the teachers in their testimony.  The 4 teachers said he died from an asthma attack.

On Friday, Xavier Olea, Guerrero attorney general said that, according to the testimonies of those released, they testified the director became ill from asthma and died.  The attorney general added, that it is not certain if the death was brought on by the long distances of walking the captives were forced to do.  At first reports indicated he had been murdered, but later reports from reliable publications such as Reforma, and Animal Political, said the testimony of the 4 surviving teacher  stated he died from asthma.

The teachers were found in late on Friday after the morning discovery of 21 men from the neighboring town of Arcelia, who had been abducted on their way to a wedding in a convoy of cars. They were released alive.

Authorities say that those responsible are a newly formed group of kidnappers, formed by a former member of a cartel operating in Guerrero.

On January 12, five narco mantas were displayed throughout Acapulco. The banners addressed to various police agencies and groups, stated that the Beltran Leyva group was not responsible for the extortions and kidnappings, however they did say they would be clearing out the people that are culpable. The mantas were signed “Beltran Leyva”. 

21 kidnapped from Arcelia

Televisa host Yolanda Andrade, facilitated Chapo/Kate introduction

Posted: 19 Jan 2016 05:53 AM PST

Lucio with material from Reforma, Thank you Daily Reader

An old case of disappearances and ties of Yolanda Andrade’s  family, with the Cártel de Sinaloa, has been reactivated by the government subsequent to the capture Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán.

Andrade, the actress and TV host of "MoJo" and "Netas Divinas" on the Televisa partner Unicable, is originally from Culiacán,  is being investigated by  authorities,  for her involvement in the Kate del Castillo and Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman case. She is suspected of being the link bringing the Capo and Castillo together.

An old case of disappearances and  ties of Yolanda Andrade’s  family, with the Cártel de Sinaloa, has been reactivated by the government subsequent to the capture Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán.

Reforma is reporting that intelligence revealed that Andrade,  Castillo's  close friend,  was not only the nexus of Chapo and Castillo, but it was Castillo who made the overture, requesting Andrade’s assistance in arranging a connection.  Not only would Andrade become the link, but she would have an advisory role in the proposed film to be produced by Castillo’s production company with Chapo about his life.  The interest of the government is not centered on the film or the interview that transpired, but questions about the financial backing for the film, and possible financing with illicit money.

These new reports may have been part of the intelligence Mexico’s attorney general spoke about when she referred to Chapo’s network of producers, film makers and actors, and not solely Castillo and actor Sean Penn. 

There are two issues federal authorities are investigating that involve Andrade.

One involves a party at her home in Culiacán, Sinaloa, when she was 25 years old, where 3 young attendees disappeared.

The other issue is suspicions that her father, Rolando Andrade, had financial ties to the Sinaloa Cartel. 

According to federal documents that Reforma accessed, in June 1996 Abraham Hernández, Jorge Cabada and Juan Hernández Argüelles, vanished from the home of Andrade’s party, a home with legal ownership of Rolando Andrade, located on El Dorado Blvd,  in the capital city of Sinaloa.

Christian Alvarez,  had been the  boyfriend Helga, the youngest Andrade daughter.

The couple had an argument. Someone went to Rommel Andrade, the elder brother,  and said “Christian, is threatening to hit Helga!”.

Rommel now enraged, approached Christian and landed some blows. The ​​Hernandez’ and Alvarez, were cousins and  the Hernandez’ tried to separate Rommel and Christian. Rommel came out and threatened “You will pay  bastards, no one touches or messes with my family!”
After the threat , the boys left the party and dropped off another cousin at his house, where they spent about 45 minutes. They then proceeded to their homes.

But on their way, according to witnesses, they were arrested by officers of the Municipal Police, at about 4 am.  

And never seen again.

The investigation was initiated by local authorities, the same municipal agency who “arrested” the young men.  However, following strong protests from relatives, the investigation was then conducted by the Federal PGR.

After months of investigation, investigators learned the 3 young men were picked up, then immediately handed over to the Andrade family security, by municipal police.

Authorities said  several people gave testimony, about the alleged involvement of agents of the Municipal Police and bodyguards of the entrepreneur Rolando Andrade. 

The investigation resulted in additional evidence. That led to  five arrest warrants against alleged suspects, which only three were executed. 

However all injunctions collapsed by a ruling of  “lack of evidence”. 

The court did not grant warrants against those who witnesses said were behind the abductions and probable murders. 

Rommel Andrade and his father,  the late Rolando Andrade

The families put up a valiant, and dangerous, proactive fight,  to have the case solved, and a massive search for their children.

Days passed, then months and nothing, now there are more than 19 years later, the three young men  have not been located,  no one brought to justice, and the case has turned to ice, until  a few days ago.

The young men  remain on Sinaloa’s missing list, unresolved, and bodies were never found.

The three arresting police officers  also disappeared.

The mothers of the disappeared, blamed the brother Yolanda Andrade, Rommel Andrade Almada for the disappearances.  Every year on the anniversary of the day their children disappeared, the mothers go to the home where the party was held.  They leave flowers and poster board messages.

Rommel has since married and moved to the United States.

'El Chapo’ attorney says Sean Penn Lied, and is demanding Penn testify in court.

“Where’s the proof?  Where’s the audio?” Juan Pablo Badillo, of El Chapo’s legal team asks. He says Senn Penn lied in his interview text article.  Especially noting the part where Chapo boasts about drug trafficking, and he being responsible for trafficking more drugs than anyone else in the world.

For sure it was a statement that was difficult to comprehend, as to why Chapo would utter such a claim, especially to a person he just met and on record.

Badillo insists Penn lied, "It is a lie, absurd speculation from Mr Penn," Badillo, told Reuters in an interview, "Its a lie, absurd speculation from Mr Penn," Juan Pablo Badillo, one of a team of Guzman lawyers, told Reuters in an interview on Wednesday.

"In a way, yes, it does complicate things, Mr Penn should be called to testify to respond about the stupidities he has said," Badillo added.

He said that based on years of working Guzman, he was certain he would not make such a self-incriminating statement. "He could not have made these claims".

Penn stated in his interview that he was not allowed to video or audio tape the meeting.  Penn claims Chapo easily bragged about his operation, "I supply more heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine and marijuana than anybody else in the world. I have a fleet of submarines, airplanes, trucks and boats." Supposedly said by El Chapo to Penn.

The Islamization of France in 2015 "We are in a war against jihadist terrorism that threatens the entire world"...

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The Islamization of France in 2015
"We are in a war against jihadist terrorism that threatens the entire world"

by Soeren Kern  •  January 19, 2016 at 5:00 am

  • An estimated 40,000 cars are burned in France every year — a destruction often attributed to rival Muslim gangs. Every day, more than 80 cars are burned.

  • The rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris, Dalil Boubakeur, called for the number of mosques in France to be doubled over the next two years. Boubakeur said that 2,200 mosques are "not enough" for the "seven million Muslims living in France." He demanded that unused churches be converted into mosques.

  • Prime Minister Manuel Valls revealed in April that more than 1,550 French citizens or residents are involved in terrorist networks in Syria and Iraq.

  • "Can we not talk about subjects that split opinion? If you talk about immigration, you are a xenophobe. If you talk about security, you are a fascist. If you talk about Islam, you are an Islamophobe." – Henri Guaino, MP.

  • "Those who denounce the illegal behavior of fundamentalists are more likely to be sued than the fundamentalists who behave illegally." – Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Front party.

Last January, Amedy Coulibaly (left) murdered a policewoman and four Jews in Paris, before being shot dead by police. Right: Medics carry a victim wounded in an attack by Islamist terrorists, who shot hundreds of concert-goers, killing 90, at the Bataclan theater in Paris on November 13, 2015.

The Muslim population of France reached 6.5 million in 2015, or around 10% of the overall population of 66 million. In real terms, France has the largest Muslim population in the European Union, just above Germany.

Although French law prohibits the collection of official statistics about the race or religion of its citizens, this estimate is based on several studies that attempted to calculate the number of people in France whose origins are from Muslim-majority countries.

What follows is a chronological review of some of the main stories about the rise of Islam in France during 2015.

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This is why we moved South... in case you ever wondered

Click here to watch>> Why people move to Florida 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Why can't we pinpoint the problem?

The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim
The Beltway Snipers were Muslims
The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim
The Underwear Bomber was a Muslim
The U.S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims
The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims
The Bali Nightclub Bombers were Muslims
The London Subway Bombers were Muslims
The Moscow Theatre Attackers were Muslims
The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims
The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims
The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims
The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims
The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims
The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Muslims
The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims
The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims
The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims
The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims
The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims
The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims
The first World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims
The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims
The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims
The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims

Think of it:
Buddhists living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Christians = No Problem
Hindus living with Jews = No Problem
Christians living with Shintos = No Problem
Shintos living with Confucians = No Problem
Confucians living with Baha'is = No Problem
Baha'is living with Jews = No Problem
Jews living with Atheists = No Problem
Atheists living with Buddhists = No Problem
Buddhists living with Sikhs = No Problem
Sikhs living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Baha'is = No Problem
Baha'is living with Christians = No Problem
Christians living with Jews = No Problem
Jews living with Buddhists = No Problem
Buddhists living with Shintos = No Problem
Shintos living with Atheists = No Problem
Atheists living with Confucians = No Problem
Confusians living with Hindus = No Problem
Muslims living with Hindus=Problem
Muslims living with Buddhists = Problem
Muslims living with Christians = Problem
Muslims living with Jews = Problem
Muslims living with Sikhs = Problem
Muslims living with Baha'is = Problem
Muslims living with Shintos = Problem
Muslims living with Atheists = Problem
**********SO THIS LEADS TO *************
They're not happy in Gaza
They're not happy in Egypt
They're not happy in Libya
They're not happy in Morocco
They're not happy in Iran
They're not happy in Iraq
They're not happy in Yemen
They're not happy in Afghanistan
They're not happy in Pakistan
They're not happy in Syria
They're not happy in Lebanon
They're not happy in Nigeria
They're not happy in Kenya
They're not happy in Sudan
******** So, where are they happy? **********
They're happy in Australia
They're happy in England
They're happy in Belgium
They're happy in France
They're happy in Italy
They're happy in Germany
They're happy in Sweden
They're happy in Norway
They're happy in India
They're happy in Canada &
They're happy in the USA.
They're happy in almost every country that is not Islamic!
And who do they blame?
Not Islam... Not their leadership... Not themselves,
And they want to change the countries they're happy in
to be like the countries they came from where they were
unhappy and finally they will get hammered!
******** So, What are their Major Organizations? ********
And We just can't figure out who's causing the problem.

But at least president obama knows it's not the muslims.

Latest intelligence on the world situation, updates on US military capabilities, news that affects Military retirees, and news that will probably never be reported by the "Liberal American Media!"

Military Newsletter
Latest intelligence on the world situation, updates on US military capabilities, news that affects Military retirees, 
and news that will probably never be reported by the "Liberal American Media!"
Edited by Lt Col Kent Vasby, USAF, Ret

U.S. Imposes New Sanctions on Iran After Prisoner Exchange
Less than 24 hours after lifting sanctions against Iran for its nuclear program, the Obama administration announced Sunday that it was imposing new sanctions on Iran for violating United Nations resolutions against ballistic missile tests.
The announcement was made shortly after a Swiss plane carrying Americans freed by the Iranian authorities departed Tehran.
Administration officials denied that the missile sanctions were being delayed for political reasons.

Stock Markets Across The Middle East Crashed Today 
(They're Open On Sundays)
Stock markets across the Middle East collapsed as the lifting of economic sanctions against Iran threatened to unleash a fresh wave of oil onto global markets that are already drowning in excess supply.

Russia's Buildup Of S-400 Missile Batteries In Kaliningrad Is Freaking Out NATO
The same air defense system that has seemingly kept coalition fighters out of western Syria is now being installed in the heart of Europe, at Russias Baltic Sea enclave of Kaliningrad. Russias setting up surface-to-air missile systems in their territory is nothing new, but the S-400's long-range and effectiveness is.
 It has the ability threaten enemy aircraft within a 250 mile radius of its location.

Russias only aircraft carrier is a floating hell for the crew
The Kuznetsov in its natural habitat: drydock
Built in 1985, the Kuznetsov, a 55,000-ton behemoth, is a veteran of a full four deployments and the Russian Navys flagship. Its powered by diesel fuel generators. Serving on the ship is akin to punishment for Russian sailors, who coined the phrase, If you misbehave, youll be sent to the Kuznetsov.
Most telling are the deepwater tugboats that deploy with the Kuznetsov because the Russian Navy knows the carriers defective engines will break down at some point. The fuel and engine issues give the ship a maximum endurance of 45 days.
To further the discomfort, the cafeteria on board the carrier seats 150 people, for a crew of almost 2,000.
There are 25 operational latrines for 2,000 crewmen.  The Russian sailors say theyre in formation ten times a day, for 35 minutes each time. Thats almost six hours of formation every day.

Palestinian Children Wear Mock Suicide Belts in Bethlehem Parade
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's official spokesman to the Arab media, called the event a glorification of terrorism aimed at encouraging a new generation of Palestinian youth to join the violence.

How The Collapse In The Price Of Oil May Precipitate A Debt Crisis And War
WNU Editor: If you want to read up on a Doomsday scenario because of the collapse in oil prices .... this article is for you.

Why would anyone join Obama's military?
Pentagon To Punish U.S. Service Members Involved In The Doctors Without Borders Airstrike In Kunduz, Afghanistan


Schools Spend Tens of Thousands on Consultants to Make Recess More Inclusive 
Michelle Obamas of the playground!
Hearing phrases like youre out! is hurting kids. 
It brings to mind Mark Twain's maxim that "work consists of whatever a body is obliged tto do and play is whatever a body is not obliged to do."
Over-regulated, authoritarian playground activities will give kids excellent preparation for life in post-Obama America!

Bye, bye Rubio!
Sen. Marco Rubio says people who immigrated to the U.S. illegally but haven't committed any major crimes could be allowed to stay.

Obama: 'Al-Qaeda and ISIS Don't Threaten 'Our National Existence'
But Obama does!

Pearls of Wisdom
Thanks, Marty
1. Prayer is not a "spare wheel" that you pull out when in trouble, 
But it is a "steering wheel" that directs the right path throughout.   
2. Why is a car's windshield so large and the rear view mirror so small?  
Because our past is not as important as our future. So, look ahead and move on.   
3. Friendship is like a book. It takes few seconds to burn, but it takes years to write.  
4. All things in life are temporary. If its going well, enjoy it, that won't last long.  
If its going badly, don't worry, that won't last long either. 
5. Old friends are gold! New friends are diamond! If you get a diamond, don't forget the gold!  
Because to hold a diamond, you always need a base of gold! 
6. Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, God smiles from above and says, 
"Relax, it's just a bend, not the end!" 
 7. When God solves your problems, you have faith in His abilities;  
When God doesn't solve your problems, He has faith in your abilities. 
 8. A blind person asked St. Anthony, "Can there be anything worse than losing eye sight?" 
He replied, "Yes, losing your vision!" 
9. When you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them;  
And when you are safe and happy, remember that someone has prayed for you. 
10. Worrying does not take away tomorrow's troubles, it takes away today's peace. 

Terrorist Cell groups in Churches.
Thanks, REM
Latest news reports are that five terrorist cell groups have been operating in many of our churches.
They have been identified as: Bin Sleepin, Bin Arguin, Bin Fightin, Bin Complainin, and Bin Missin.  Their leader, Osama Bin Lucifer, trained these groups to destroy the Body of Christ.  The plan is to come into the church disguised as Christians and to work within the church to discourage, disrupt, and destroy.
However, there have also been reports of a sixth group.  A tiny cell known by the name Bin Prayin is actually the only effective counter terrorism force in the church.  Unlike other terrorist cells, the Bin Prayin team does not blend in with whoever and whatever comes along.

Bin Prayin does whatever is needed to uplift and encourage the Body of Christ.  We have noticed that the Bin Prayin cell group has different characteristics than the others.  They have Bin Watchin, Bin Waitin, Bin Fastin, and Bin Longin for their Master, Jesus Christ to return.
Which cell group do you belong to?


A Russian, an American, and a Blonde were talking one day. 
The Russian said, "We were the first in space!" 
The American said, "We were the first on the moon!" 
The Blonde said, "So what, we're going to be the first on the sun!" 
The Russian and the American looked at each other and shook their heads. "You can't land on the sun, you idiot! You'll burn up!" said the Russian. 
To which the Blonde replied, "We're not stupid, you know. We're going at night!" 

Russian Roulette
An african ambassador visited Russia and was entertained by his opposite number, the Russian ambassador. For three days, the African ambassador was wined, dined, and generally treated to the best hospitality that Russia had to offer.
 On the last day of his visit, the Russian ambassador said, "As your stay is coming to an end, it's time for you to play our traditional game, Russian roulette. One of the six chambers of this gun is loaded - you spin the cylinder, point the gun at your head, and pull the trigger."
 This phased the African slightly, but he was a proud man of a warrior people, and to show fear would be unthinkable. Both men took their guns, spun, and pulled the triggers.
 Both chambers were empty, and both ambassadors breathed a sigh of relief.
 The African ambassador was impressed with the couragous game, and thought hard about the subject before the Russian Ambassador was due to visit his country the next year.
 When the visit came, the African ambassador treated the Russian with all hospitality, until the final day of his stay. Leading him to a private room in the palace, the African ambassador spoke, "Now, time for you to sample our game, African roulette". He then led the Russian into the room, the only occupants of which were six stunning and naked women.
 The African ambassador said, "These women are the most beautiful members of one of our tribes. Any one of them will give you a oral sex - take your pick".
 The Russian was not entirely averse to this idea, but he couldn't see the connection with Russian Roulette. He said, "Well, ok, great, but where's the roulette part? Where's the danger?"
 With a big grin on his face, the African ambassador answered:
 "One of them's a cannibal."

A Gruesome Christmas under Islam; A Parable for Germany...

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A Gruesome Christmas under Islam

by Raymond Ibrahim  •  January 18, 2016 at 5:00 am

  • Muslim governmental officials -- not "ISIS" -- in nations such as Brunei, Somalia, and Tajikistan continue openly and formally to express their hostility for Christmas and Christianity. And extremist Muslims -- not "ISIS" -- continue to terrorize and slaughter Christians on Christmas in nations as diverse as Bangladesh, Belgium, the Congo, Germany, Indonesia, Iran, Nigeria, Philippines, Syria, the West Bank, and even the United States.

Left: The Miami restaurant was bombed by the Islamic State, one of three Christian-owned restaurants bombed in Qamishli, Syria on December 30, killing 16 people. Right: A number of youths set fire to a Christmas tree in a public square in Brussels, Belgium, while yelling "Allahu Akbar" ["Allah is Greater"].

On Christmas Day in the West Bank, two Muslims were arrested for setting a Christmas tree on fire in a Christian-majority village near Jenin. On the same day in Bethlehem, Muslim rioters greeted the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem with a hail of stones. Authorities subsequently arrested 16 "Salafi radicals" who were planning to carry out terror attacks against tourists celebrating Christmas.

If this was Christmas in Bethlehem -- Christ's birthplace and scene of the Nativity -- Christmas in other parts of the world experienced similar abuse.

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A Parable for Germany

by David P. Goldman  •  January 18, 2016 at 4:00 am

  • Dying Germany has only one item on its bucket list, and that is redemption. The Germans cannot seek redemption from the crimes of their grandparents because they do not understand what motivated them to do such terrible things.

  • For Merkel and most of Germany's elite, the appearance on Germany's threshold of millions of Muslim refugees is a final chance at redemption, an opportunity for Germany to redeem itself from the crimes of its past through a transcendent act of selflessness.

Denke ich an Deutschland in der Nacht
Dann bin ich um den Schlaf gebracht

If I think of Germany in the night
It kills my sleep.

– Heinrich Heine.

Once there was an old man who in his youth committed a terrible crime, the murder of many innocents. He no longer could remember what drove him to do this; he tried not to think about it, and his memories came to mind unwillingly and infrequently. Rage and guilt had faded long ago into a vague residue of disgust. He worked hard and found some distraction in the monotony of daily tasks. He sought diversion in tasteless entertainment; he followed football, looked at pornography, watched the dubbed version of American comedies, and took vacations at the beach.

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