Friday, April 12, 2013

Pretty Funny

> If this doesn't cheer you up, nothing will.....
> You know the honeymoon is over, when the comedians start.
> The liberals are asking us to give Obama time.
> We agree...and think 25 to life would be
> appropriate.
> --Jay Leno
> America needs Obama-care like Nancy
> Pelosi needs a Halloween mask.
> --Jay Leno
> Q: Have you heard about McDonald's'
> new Obama Value Meal?
> A: Order anything you like and the guy behind you
> has to pay for it.
> --Conan O'Brien
> Q: What does Barack Obama call
> lunch with a convicted felon?
> A: A fund raiser.
> --Jay Leno
> Q: What's the difference between
> Obama's cabinet and a penitentiary?
> A: One is filled with tax evaders, blackmailers,
> and threats to society. The other is for housing
> prisoners.
> --David Letterman
> Q: If Nancy Pelosi and Obama were
> on a boat in the middle of the ocean and it
> started to sink, who would be saved?
> A: America!
> --Jimmy Fallon
> Q: What's the difference between
> Obama and his dog, Bo?
> A: Bo has papers.
> --Jimmy Kimmel
> Q: What was the most positive result
> of the "Cash for Clunkers" program?
> A: It took 95% of the Obama bumper
> stickers off the road.
> --David Letterman
> Solution to the problem in Egypt:
> They want a new Muslim leader, Give them ours.


lazy? fat ?

Today I swung my front door wide open and placed my Remington 870 right in the doorway. I gave it 6 shells, then left it alone and went about my business.

While I was gone, the mailman delivered my mail, the neighbor boy across the street mowed the yard, a girl walked her dog down the street, and quite a few cars stopped at the stop sign right in front of our house.

After about an hour, I checked on the gun. It was still sitting there, right where I had left it. It hadn't moved itself outside. It certainly hadn't killed anyone, even with the numerous opportunities it had been presented to do so. In fact, it hadn't even loaded itself. Well you can imagine my surprise,with all the media hype about how dangerous guns are and how they kill people. Either the media is wrong, and it's the misuse of guns by PEOPLE that kills people, or I'm in possession of the laziest gun in the world.

Alright, well I'm off to check on my spoons. I hear they're making people fat.

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