We’ve been awaiting the highly anticipated Wikileaks announcement for about a week now, but we know that Julian Assange delayed the release of the supposed bombshell files on Hillary Clinton. Apparently that’s too long for another hacker to wait.
Infamous hacker, named Guccifer 2.0 hacked his way into the Clinton Foundation databases and uncovered some of the most damning evidence to date of the Clinton corruption. Here’s his message below and he got impatient and did some digging himself.
And here’s what he uncovered.
So it’s a bunch of numbers. Here’s what all that means.
Yup. That’s right. Our money went right to the Democrats and their shady, back handed, back alley deals with the big banks. How are these people still running this country?
This is exactly why we cannot allow this kind of corruption and fraudulent practice to continue in Washington. America is floundering and we have only the Democrats to thank.
(Source: Mad World News)