Wednesday, October 6, 2021

“ Advice For Parents” Protesting School Indoctrination On Dealing With The Media “cultivate relationships with local reporters; make their job easier. Write the articles FOR them. Give them quotes, and 800 words written”

Posted by William A. Jacobson Friday, October 1, 2021 at 09:00pm 14 Comments Share This StoryFacebookTwitterParlerGabMeWeRedditEmail I spoke this morning at the Parents Unite conference in Boston on Diversity of Thought in K-12. The topic of my almost 40-minute lecture was Framing The Media Narrative And Moving To Action. The video will be available at some point, and I’ll post it here along with a transcript and my slide presentation. Some of the advice I gave concerned how parents objecting to school policies and instruction, including on Critical Race issues, could interact with the media. Most parents have never had to do that, and don’t understand some basics, particularly when dealing with local or national mainstream media. While you eagerly await the video, one attendee conveniently live-tweeted that part of my lecture as well as some general advice: Advice for parents from Legal insurrection: cultivate relationships with local reporters; make their job easier. Write the articles FOR them. Give them quotes, and 800 words written. Do things by email, so you have a record if they misquote you.1/ Record interviews if it’s legal where you live. If not, tell them you’re recording. Keep answers short, so they have more trouble misquoting your or taking you out of context. Say what you want to see in print. 2/ Focus on the message: you are for equality, non-discrimination, and you oppose the racialization of education.3/ Find what you’re good at, use that to your advantage; what matters is everyone DO something. All hands on deck. CAUTION: BOLO plants, with crazy signs and disinformation. Stay ON MESSAGE. Make sure you self-police! /4 Find people who are good at what you’re NOT, cultivate relationships, work together. Advice from ME: you cannot stay quiet and expect others to save you. DO something, that’s what it’s going to take. /END Nicole Solas, who first told her story on Legal Insurrection and now is a national media star on parental rights, boiled it down further: Parents, write your stories about opposing school indoctrination FOR the media. Claim your narrative and give it to the media to publish. Make their job easy. It worked for me. @LegInsurrection [Featured image: Speakers clockwise: Charles Love, Dr. Wilfred Reilly, Ian Rowe, and me, via Erica Sanzi on Twitter]

Democrats/Media Deploy Same “Eliminationist Narrative” Against School Parents As They Did Against Tea Party

Nothing has changed, other than the names and faces. The media still plays the role of creating false narratives that ordinary law-abiding Americans who oppose liberals are dangerous and prone to violence. Posted by William A. Jacobson Wednesday, October 6, 2021 at 09:05pm 3 Comments Share This StoryFacebookTwitterParlerGabMeWeRedditEmail Merrick Garland disgracefully weaponized DOJ/FBI and national law enforcement against parents protesting Critical Race teaching and mask mandates. This pure political intimidation. The mainsteam media also is running with the false claim pushed by the National School Boards Association that the protests are the “equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.” In Rhode Island, the statewide school committee association is gathering information about protests and promising to coordinate with the FBI. We have seen this movie before. It’s the “eliminationist narrative” used against the Tea Party and Trump supporters. We covered the Tea Party false accusations at the time, where the media blamed every act of violence on Tea Party supporters even though such claims never had evidence and turned out to be false.

Caught corrupting & indoctrinating our nation’s youth with Marxist Socialist Ideals, LBGT mis-orientation & gender confusion/conflict, & Critical Race Theory etc., School Boards now face Parental Outrage. They’ve been a Classic Failure at providing a basic education … Resulting in graduates that can’t READ, WRITE, OR PERFORM BASIC MATH!!! Now they want “Federal (DoJ) Protection ? The Marxist Socialist Democratic Regime occupying our Capital—-jumps to the rescue, watch out the “Goose/Duck Stepping FBI” WILL GET YA! Parents Unite, Keep The BoE’s feet to the 🔥! Replace them ASAP, & THE DONKEYs they rode in on!

Any parent who has watched or testified before a school board meeting understands how challenging it is to be heard and how often the work of the board bears little resemblance to the will of the people. Even with sympathetic elected officers, engaging the educational industrial complex is hard work. And recent action by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is making the job even harder. On October 4, 2021, the DOJ announced an effort to determine if "a disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence" at school board meetings requires federal intervention by law enforcement. Citing no specific examples of such threats, Attorney General Merrick Garland explained: I am directing Federal Bureau of Investigation, working with each United States Attorney, to convene meetings with federal, state, local, Tribal, and territorial leaders in each federal judicial district within 30 days of the issuance of this memorandum. These meetings will facilitate the discussion of strategies for addressing threats against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff, and will open dedicated lines of communication for threat reporting, assessment, and response. Family Research Council condemns violence. Parents who have tried in good faith to work with elected officials to remove pornographic books from school libraries or to expose injustices in programs for children with disabilities are often harassed and demeaned, banned from meetings, or silenced. This latest insult from the DOJ, at the behest of the National School Boards Association (NSBA), is dangerous and authoritarian. In a ridiculous complaint to President Biden, NSBA executives invoked the Patriot Act as they effectively charged parents and citizens who are advocating on behalf of children with "domestic terrorism." They asked for federal law enforcement protection from parents and citizens -- their own voters. On "Washington Watch," Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) had this advice for parents and citizens who want to speak out: I hope they're not intimidated. We want to encourage them to go and speak up. It's never been more important than it is right now.... [Y]ou and I and others have been for years trying to work to engage people of faith, concerned parents to go to meetings like their local school board to have their say. We encourage people to audit the local curricula of what their kids are learning in school. We encourage them to share that with people in their churches, in their community, and to be an active part of these decisions because it governs the life of your own child and everyone in your community. And now you have the federal government...big power now telling you to stay home, sit down and be quiet. We should not. We should resist that. Johnson added: [W]hen we talk to community members, people of faith about getting engaged, there's a way to do that. There's no place for violence. We don't have to even raise our voices. But be calm, be reasonable, explain your position and get others who agree with you to do the same. And you'll find that the vast majority of this country still agrees with us. They still believe in common sense. They do not want their children to be indoctrinated in public schools, and now is the time to speak up. We have to be engaged in the next election cycle, of course, to change who is the ruling class in Washington. And we've got to [be engaged] at the local level. Parents are met at the schoolhouse door by self-proclaimed "experts" who promise to educate our children. When these same experts become guardians and gatekeepers, building a system immune to the influence of parents or public pressure, children's education and wellbeing suffer. We must never forget that parents are footing the bill for all the obstacles standing between them and their children in public schools. Christians and conservatives must engage in our educational system. Our voices are important and make a difference. If they didn't make a difference, then Attorney General Garland and President Biden wouldn't feel the need to ban, demean, and belittle the legitimate forces that challenge their power -- the parents and citizens who speak out. To become more engaged, attend your next school board meeting. Even if you do not speak publicly, your presence there is of utmost importance. Parents Defending Education has a petition opposing this latest attempt to intimidate parents. At FRC Action, we have our School Board Boot Camp and FOIA webinar to help empower parents to engage in public education. Download our latest publication, A Concerned Citizens' Guide to Engaging with Public Schools, for information and resources.

China's warplanes aren't just sending a message to Taiwan. Beijing wants America's attention, too

Brad Lendon ---------- The Taiwan Ministry of Defense released this undated file photo of a Chinese J-16 fighter jet when it announced PLA aircraft entered its air defense identification zone. The warplanes came in successive waves, entering Taiwan's defense zone in record numbers and frequency. Since October 1, the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) has sent 150 planes — including fighter jets and nuclear-capable bombers — into Taiwan's Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), further heightening fears of the Chinese threat to the self-governed island. The Chinese flights have not come close to what Taiwan considers its sovereign airspace — 12 nautical miles from its coastlines — but Taipei has said it will respond to any incursion into its ADIZ either via radio warnings, anti-aircraft missile tracking or fighter jet intercepts. And while analysts say China's ramping up of these flights in no way suggests actual combat is imminent, they are meant to send a forceful message to Taiwan and its friends — most notably the United States. Here's a breakdown of why China is doing this now: Military intimidation China's incursions are "a well-thought-out program from Beijing, meant to be carried out over months and years, with several interrelated goals," said Jacob Stokes, a fellow in the Indo-Pacific security program at the Center for a New American Security. "The first is political-military signaling to try to intimidate the government in Taiwan and exert China's claim to the self-governing island." Taiwan and mainland China have been governed separately since the end of a civil war more than seven decades ago, in which the defeated Nationalists fled to Taipei. However, Beijing views Taiwan as an inseparable part of its territory — even though the Chinese Communist Party has never governed the democratic island of about 24 million people. And Chinese President Xi Jinping has refused to rule out military force to capture Taiwan if necessary. "China needs levers to deter Taiwan from taking undesirable courses of action, especially independence-leaning initiatives," said Lionel Fatton, an Indo-Pacific affairs expert at Webster University in Switzerland. Fatton said the increase in PLA flights is Beijing telling Taipei it has the means and firepower to back up that hardline stance. It's classic deterrence — show strength before an opponent takes action that will result in an unacceptable cost, he added. "We can expect China to continue its pressure campaign to make sure its deterrent posture remains strong," Fatton said. Chinese analysts, meanwhile, have described the incursions as purely "reactive," responding to what Beijing sees as "provocative" actions by Taiwan and the US. Li Fei, a Taiwan affairs expert with Xiamen University, said a key factor behind China's record incursions was "increasing collusion" between the US and Taiwan, which he added had repeatedly crossed Beijing's "red lines." "Mainland [China] had to react in response, and strengthen its psychological deterrent power on Taiwan independence forces," Li said. These "red lines" were laid out in a statement issued by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday. "The US has been making negative moves by selling arms to Taiwan and strengthening official and military ties with Taiwan, including the launch of a $750 million arms sale plan to Taiwan, the landing of US military aircraft in Taiwan and frequent sailing of US warships across the Taiwan Strait," ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said. Domestically, the flights also serve as an opportunity to boost nationalism among the Chinese public. "Because the US keeps touching China's bottom line, calls for reunification are running high among the (Chinese) people," Li said. It's also no coincidence that the spike in PLA incursions began on October 1, the 72nd anniversary of the Communist Party taking power. "These warplanes appearing at Taiwan Straits on China's National Day is a new ceremony of Chinese people to celebrate the holiday," Hu Xijin, editor-in-chief of state-run nationalist tabloid the Global Times, said on Twitter. Military experience Sending dozens of warplanes into Taiwan's ADIZ allows the PLA to gather intelligence, gain experience and increase fighting capability, experts say. "The PLA is testing and developing an assessment of Taiwan's ability to detect and willingness to respond to air threats. It is also recording Taiwan's response times, tactics and air intercept procedures," said Carl Schuster, a former director of operations at the US Pacific Command's Joint Intelligence Center. The increasing number of PLA aircraft involved in the incursions also develops the PLA's ability to work with the large number of military assets that would likely be deployed in combat. "Coordinated air operations involving large numbers of aircraft at a large distance is more complicated than small unit operations close to home base," Schuster said. "The air controller's view of the battle space is less accurate at 100 nautical miles than it is at 10. Adding aircraft increases that complexity." Schuster said, to his knowledge, the latest PLA flights represent the largest concentration of Chinese military aircraft ever operating that far from their home bases. So it's possible the large-scale flights could continue. Essentially, the PLA needs the practice. Sending a message Past instances of larger incursions of PLA flights into Taiwan's ADIZ have come after nations supporting Taipei have done something that angers Beijing. For instance, an incursion of 25 PLA planes in April came a day after the US secretary of state warned Beijing that Washington was committed to the defense of Taiwan. And a June incursion of 28 PLA warplanes came after the Group of Seven (G7) leaders issued a joint statement scolding China for a series of issues and underscored the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. The past week's incursions come as the US, Japan, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and the Netherlands conducted multilateral naval exercises near Okinawa, which is just 730 kilometers (453 miles) from Taiwan, according to a statement from Japan's Maritime Self-Defense Force. The exercises involved one British and two US aircraft carriers. The large-scale Chinese flights, involving dozens of planes, probably had their genesis months ago, said Peter Layton, a fellow at the Griffith Asia Institute in Australia. "The PLA Air Force has a reputation for preferring well-planned, heavily choreographed activities," he added. As such, the surge of PLA flights was likely first envisioned "as a muscular display to accompany the anniversary" of China's founding on October 1, said Timothy Heath, senior international defense researcher at the RAND Corp. think tank in Washington. "However, for such a ceremonial event, one day of 'air parade' activity would have been sufficient," Heath said, adding that the naval exercises, the fact Britain recently sent a destroyer through the Taiwan Strait, and a new leadership in Japan considering its future Taiwan policy, all likely played a part in China expanding the flights. "The deployment of repeated waves of combat air formations is a flexible tool for sending a political signal and a warning to Taiwan and the Western countries," Heath said. Jessie Yeung, Digital Producer, CNN Digital Worldwide Brad Lendon is a Senior Producer for CNN International in Hong Kong. He covers military affairs in the Asia-Pacific region.

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