Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Are We Having Fun Yet?

Are We Having Fun Yet?
by Jm Moran

October 31, 2018 at 08:03AM
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BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP OF CHILDREN OF ILLEGAL ALIENS Most of those pontificating on whether President Trump has the right to reverse conveying birthright citizenship on children of illegal aliens are ignorant of the Constitution and are simply engaging in a form of political pandering. Believe it or not, it may be possible for President Trump to restrict the citizenship of children born to foreigners and aliens by an Executive Order which would simply reverse a bureaucratic interpretation that was created sometime in the 1960s. There is no provision in the Constitution to confer citizenship on the children of illegal aliens and it appears that this provision was created sometime in the 1960s by a bureaucratic interpretation of the INS which has never been voted on by Congress nor examined by the United States Supreme Court. Furthermore, if one wanted to examine the writings of Senator Jacob Howard, the author of the citizenship clause in the Fourteenth Amendment, they could easily read his explanation in the U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates, 1774 - 1875 from the Congressional Globe, Senate, 39th Congress, 1st Session - Page 2890 for May 30, Senator Howard explained in clear English -- remember it is our national language that unites us -- who would fall within the jurisdiction of the Amendment. "...[E]very person born within the limits of the United State, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the government of the United States, but will include every other class of person. Here is proof positive… sh-1 sh-2 Read the Senate debate over provisions involving the 14th Amendment from the government archives for yourself. Bottom line… The idea that the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, can simply say “You can’t end birthright citizenship with an executive order. You obviously cannot do that. As a conservative, I'm a believer in following the plain text of the Constitution and I think in this case the 14th Amendment is pretty clear. Where we obviously totally agree with the President is getting at the root issue here, which is unchecked illegal immigration.” Perhaps Ryan should review "consent of the governed" and the definition of sovereignty. The progressive pundits who point out that there is no precedent and no legal authority, do not understand that it was an Executive Branch agency who interpreted the Constitution and implemented public policy. And, that the President of the United States has the plenary power to reverse any rule or regulation promulgated by an Executive Branch agency. As for Ryan noting that he is a conservative, this is pure bullpucky. This is one of those issues that will clearly demonstrate that the progressive socialist democrats and their RINO (Republican In Name Only) cohorts are engaging in self-serving political pandering and do give a rat’s ass about how much harm this unconstitutional process is harming the United States nor do they care to follow the U.S. Constitution when it puts their political agenda or candidacy at risk. They are not Americans – they are cowards. President Trump is not trying to change the Constitution, he is trying to change bureaucratic excess and return to the original meaning of the 14th Amendment. We are so screwed. -- steve

Monday, October 29, 2018

Greece: Another Democratic Socialists Failure! It’s Never Worked, Never Will! Check Venezuela...

Greece and the Grim Consequences of Democratic Socialism by Dan Mitchell My left-leaning friends periodically tell me that there's a big difference between their benign policies of democratic socialism and the wretched track records of Marxist socialism, national socialism, and other forms of totalitarianism. I agree. Living in a European welfare state, after all, is much better than living in a hellhole like Cuba, North Korea, Zimbabwe, or Venezuela. Not only do you enjoy the rule of law (no Khmer Rouge-style concentration camps!), but you also enjoy considerable prosperity compared to the rest of the world. But there are two things to understand about that prosperity. First, it's largely a legacy of the strong growth that occurred before welfare states were enacted. Second, statist policies eventually and inevitably will reduce a nation's prosperity. Let's consider the case of Greece. I've written many times about the debilitating impact of high tax rates and wasteful spending in that nation. It has the least economic freedom of all nations in Western Europe, so it's no surprise that it is falling further behind. But sometimes a compelling example is the best way of helping people understand the harmful impact of big government. We were on Filis Street — a warren of alleyways and dingy two-story houses — which has been home to Athenian brothels for most of the past century. The trade is more desperate now because of Greece’s lost decade since the 2008 financial crisis, which has left no profession unscathed. The collapsed economy and the arrival of tens of thousands of migrants have pushed even more women into prostitution — even as prices have fallen through the floor. ...“I had a flower shop for 18 years — and now I’m here out of necessity, not out of joy,” said Dimitra, a middle-aged woman who lost her shop in the crisis and now works as a madam...the number of prostitutes in the city had increased by 7 percent since 2012, yet prices have dropped drastically, both for women working on the streets and in brothels. “In 2012, it would require an average of 39 euros” for a client to hire a prostitute in a brothel, Mr. Lazos said, “while in 2017 just €17 — a 56 percent decrease.” The saddest part of the story is the commentary of the prostitutes. "I hate sex,” Elena said. “I like the money, not the job.” Anastasia...has worked as a prostitute since she was 14. She’s now 33, and says the work is harder than ever. “People don’t have money anymore,” she said... Monica, a 30-year-old Albanian prostitute...spends six to eight hours a day trying to entice clients, but most do not stay. “They don’t have money,” she said. “They haven’t had money for the past seven years.” ...Many Greek men are simply too poor to pay anymore. I support legal prostitution, in part because the alternative of pushing these unfortunate women even further into the underground economy would be worse. But that doesn't change the fact that these women don't have good lives. And the misery of democratic socialism in Greece is making their lives even sadder. The bottom line is that I now have three awful anecdotes from Greece to help illustrate the wretched impact of big government. In addition to the price-cutting prostitutes we discussed today, let's not forget that Greece subsidizes pedophiles and requires stool samples to set up online companies. Needless to say, I hope we never go that far in the wrong direction. The moral of the story is that socialism (however defined) has never worked in any form at any time in history


HAMAS: THE MAFIA OF THE MIDDLE EAST It should be apparent to all that the Palestinians, no matter what they say and no matter what Israel’s response, cannot become an autonomous self-supporting and self-sustaining state because they produce nothing but terror and live off the generosity of grossly anti-Semitic European nations, especially France and Italy. and Spain. These are the people who site weapons in population centers among hospitals, schools, and Mosques hoping for civilian deaths that can be publicized to attract greater donations from their anti-Semitic supporters. Supplemented, of course, by direct attacks with children and women at the forefront at Israeli borders and walls to provoke Israelis to respond – and create additional exploitable deaths. Unfortunately, Israel has interrupted the Palestinian’s business model with their Iron Dome rocket defense system which allows them to counter Israeli rockets at altitude and preclude the necessity of direct airstrikes or incursion into Palestinian territory. It is not perfect, but effective enough so the Palestinians are compelled to up the ante. Especially when one of their premier sponsors, Saudi Arabia, is more interested in fighting Iran as is becoming closer to Israel. So now they are turning to the protection and extortion tactics used by the early-century Mafia. Nice country you have there, it would be a shame if something were to happen to it… Hamas demands $15 million per month in exchange for calm — report Israeli security cabinet set to convene Sunday for a briefing on the situation in Gaza after weekend marked by salvos of rockets, IAF responses Hamas on Saturday demanded that Israel transfer the Gaza-based terror group $15 million in cash from Qatar every month in order to prevent further escalation in the Palestinian enclave. In a document handed to Egypt, the terror group’s Gaza leader Yahya Sinwar added that the organization expects Israel to transfer the money by next Thursday, Hadashot TV reported. According to the news station, the demand for cash is intended to circumvent the Israeli coordination and supervision mechanism that was in place until now, according to which the Palestinian Authority would pay Gaza worker salaries transparently Israel has not yet responded to the Hamas demand. The Israeli security cabinet is set to convene Sunday for a briefing on the situation in Gaza, as well as on the efforts being made by Egypt to broker a ceasefire between the Jewish state and Hamas. Earlier Saturday, the Islamic Jihad terror group announced it had agreed to an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire to end an escalating exchange of fire with Israel, as Israeli jets struck sites in the Gaza Strip belonging to the Palestinian terror organization after salvos of rockets were fired at Israel late Friday and early Saturday. A spokesman for the group told the Gaza-based Safa news site that a ceasefire agreement went into effect following Egyptian communication with its leadership. He said Islamic Jihad would remain committed to the ceasefire as long as Israel did likewise. A few questions… (1) How is it that the Arabs, named Palestinians by terrorist Yasser Arafat after consultation with his communist masters in Russia for publicity purposes, remain the longest-lived group of so-called “refugees” in the world? One would think that after three generations, they would no longer be refugees as they have nothing to take refuge from. (2) How is it that the surrounding oil-rich nations have not absorbed these Arabs in the normal scheme of things? Whoops, I forgot. These Arabs were exiled from Jordan, Egypt, and prohibited from entering Saudi Arabia en masse as they represented a terrorist threat to the existing governments. One need only see the destruction of Lebanon, formerly called the Switzerland of the Middle East, to understand what sectarian terrorism and violence brings. (3) How is it that the world does not accept the fact that the violence is one-sided and that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was absolutely correct when he said, “If the Palestinians lay down their weapons, there will be peace. If the Israelis lay down their weapons, there will be no more Israel?” (4) Why does the largely anti-Semitic United Nations refuse to impose financial sanctions on the Palestinians, cutting off all banking connections and repatriating the money stolen by Palestinian leaders from their own people? 60 MINUTES REPORT: Arafat's Billions (November 7, 2003) "What is Mr. Arafat and the Palestinian Authority worth today?" asks accountant Jim Prince. "Who is controlling that money? Where is that money? How do we get it back?" So far, Prince's team has determined that part of the Palestinian leader's wealth was in a secret portfolio worth close to $1 billion -- with investments in companies like a Coca-Cola bottling plant in Ramallah, a Tunisian cell phone company and venture capital funds in the U.S. and the Cayman Islands. Although the money for the portfolio came from public funds like Palestinian taxes, virtually none of it was used for the Palestinian people; it was all controlled by Arafat. And, Prince says, none of these dealings were made public. Why was €1m a month sent to Arafat's wife? (February 12, 2004) French public prosecutors said yesterday they had opened a money-laundering inquiry into suspect transfers totalling some €9m (£6m) into Paris bank accounts held by the wife of the Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat. The preliminary inquiry, which will determine whether a full investigation is warranted, was launched after the Bank of France and Tracfin, the French anti-laundering agency, noticed regular payments of about €1m a month entering Suha Arafat's accounts. An official said the money, from "a Swiss institution", was paid into two separate accounts at the Arab Bank and the Banque Nationale de Paris in the name of Mrs Arafat, who lives in Paris. The inquiry, which began in October last year, is confined to payments between July 2002 and July 2003, he said, although the transfers started about a year earlier. Who will get Arafat's millions? / Wife is fighting Palestinian officials for assets, Arab TV reports (November 7, 2004) The wife of Yasser Arafat was locked in a bitter dispute with Palestinian officials over the fate of his vast secret fortune as the Palestinian leader lay apparently near death in a French hospital, according to a report on the Arab TV network Al-Jazeera. Arafat's secret assets have been estimated at anywhere between $200 million (Forbes magazine) and $6 billion (U.S. and Israeli intelligence). Forbes listed him ninth in its ranking of the world's wealthiest heads of state -- even though he is a ruler without a country and many of his people are refugees. Bottom line… One might think that the first step in achieving a lasting peace would be for Hamas to recognize the legitimacy of the State of Israel, remove the destruction of Israel from the tenets of its Charter, and destroy all of the teaching material that instructs yet another generation of children to hate Jews. One might think that if the United Nations, France, and other nations are so concerned with “hate crime,” that they would look at the Palestinian territories as being worthy of investigation and further sanctions. We live in a dangerous world where conflict is exploited for political and financial gain. As longs as the Jews remain scapegoats for the world’s ills and the bad behavior of dictators, Jews should arm themselves and live by the mantra “Never Again.” Stand-w-Israel -- steve

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Read & Understand This List Then Vote Responsibly or Continue Paying Higher Taxes $$$...

It's easy to dismiss individual programs that benefit non-citizens until they're all put together and this picture emerges. Someone did a lot of research to put together all this data. Often these programs are buried within other programs making it difficult to find each of them. The following 11 reasons should be forwarded over and over again until they are read so many times that the readers gets sick of reading them. Included are the URL's for verification of all the following facts. 1 . $11 Billion to $22 Billion is spent on welfare to illegal immigrants each year by state governments. Verify At: eServer?pagename=iic_ immigrati onissuecenters7fd8 < Pag eServer?pagename=iic_immigrati onissuecenters7fd8 > 2 . $22 Billion dollars a year is spent on food Assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal immigrants. Verify At: < 20 04/fiscalexec.HTML The High Cost of Cheap Labor | Center for Immigration Studies About the Author Steven A. Camarota is Director of Research at the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, D.C. He holds a master's degree in political science 3 . $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal immigrants. Verify At: 04/fiscalexec.HTML The High Cost of Cheap Labor | Center for Immigration Studies About the Author Steven A. Camarota is Director of Research at the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, D.C. He holds a master's degree in political science < http://www. 2004/fiscalex ec.HTML > 4 . $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on Primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English! Verify At: TRA NscriptS/0604/01/ldt ... 0.HT ML < T RA NscriptS/0604/01/ldt ... 0.HT ML > 5 . $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for Education for the American-born Children of illegal immigrants, known as Anchor babies. Verify At: TRA NscriptS/0604/01/ ldt.01.HT ML < T RA NscriptS/0604/01/ ldt.01.HT ML 6 . $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal immigrants. Verify At: TRANscriptS/0604/01/ldt.01. HTM L < TRANscriptS/0604/01/ ldt.01.HT M L" href=" http://transcripts.cnn. com/%20 TRANscriptS/0604/01/ldt.01.HTM L " target="_blank" rel="nofollow" http://transcrip 0604 /01/ldt.01.HTML > 7 . 30% percent of all Federal Prison Inmates are illegal immigrants. Verify At: lBlockedError.aspx < Ur lBlockedError.aspx > 8 . $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on Illegal immigrants for Welfare & Social Services by the American taxpayers. Verify At: PTS/0610/29/ldt.01.HTML < TRANSCI PTS/0610/29/ldt.01.HTML > 9. $200 Billion dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal immigrants. Verify At: NSCRI < TRA NSCRI > 10 . In 2006, illegal immigrants sent home $45 BILLION in remittances to their Countries of origin. Verify At: . http:// nih m >; > 11. The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One million sex crimes committed By Illegal Immigrants In The United States . Verify At: http: // articlesh tml >; THE TOTAL COST IS $338.3 BILLION A YEAR. SINCE THERE ARE APPROXIMATELY 135 MILLION TAXPAYERS IN THE UNITED STATES, OVER $2,500.00 OF YOUR TAXES GO TO FUNDING ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. Are we THAT Stupid? YES, FOR ALLOWING THOSE IN THE U.S. . CONGRESS TO GET AWAY WITH DOING THIS YEAR AFTER YEAR !!!!! If this doesn't bother you, then just delete the message. If, on the other hand, it does raise the hair on the back of your neck, I hope you forward it to every Tax Payer in the United States!!! God bless you and God bless America

Climate Activists, Do They Want to Fix It or Take Our Freedom & Empty Our Wallets?

WE DO NOT KNOW HOW TO FIX CLIMATE CHANGE, BUT YOU NEED TO GIVE US YOUR MONEY AND FREEDOMS I recently stumbled across a video first published by Business Insider in 2017 that was titled “The Earth has so much CO2 that planting trees can't save us” which is illustrative of the type of propaganda that is routinely presented to the public as “settled science.” c-vid Let us start with some known facts: (1) The climate is constantly changing and man’s climate signal cannot be detected nor measured against the natural variability of the climate. (2) Most climate studies are deeply flawed by the need to use science as a justification for politically-driven public policy agendas. This can be seen in the framework of the United Nation’s IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) which cherry-picks published scientific papers to reinforce the need for prompt, expensive, and freedom-altering action to save us from a “planetary emergency.” The framework is extremely based as it seeks answers based on man-made (anthropogenic) causes of warming and, in many cases, excludes or minimizes the natural sources of climate change such as the Sun’s energy output in all spectral energy bands, extraterrestrial cosmic rays, the Earth’s position relative to the Sun, the Earth’s orbital dynamics, the Earth’s vulcanology and plate tectonics, the deep ocean currents, and the most potent greenhouse gas of all, atmospheric water vapor in the form of the clouds which form a self-regulating feedback mechanism. This bias can also be demonstrated by the funding of institutions, scientists, and projects who meet funding criteria set by the government funders and projects that do not support the thesis of man-made global warming are less likely to b funded. (3) Nobody, including the scientists, know what the optimal temperature of our ecosystem should be. The Earth has been hotter, colder, with less atmospheric carbon dioxide and more carbon dioxide. And, we can plainly see the benefits of a warmer, more carbon dioxide-enriched atmosphere as it occurred during the Medieval Warm Period also known as the Medieval Climate Optimum, or Medieval Climatic Anomaly depending on your politics which occurred circa 950 – 1250. (4) All evidence of problematic global warming exists within the models which are deeply flawed and require “parametric tuning” fudge factors to produce the desired results. The one exception is a Russian model which appears to produce historically-verifiable results and whose results are substantially less dramatic and extreme than all of the other models. And, let us consider some of what the clip shows… The central premise of the clip, that “there's so much CO2 in the atmosphere that planting trees can no longer save us,” makes unwarranted assumptions. One, that it is carbon dioxide that regulates climate change or may serve as a trigger for catastrophic events; two, that the models, which have been proven to be deeply flawed are correct; three, that man can actually influence climate change by implementing public policies and practices such as planting trees; and four, man should ignore historical evidence of previous climate cycles and assume that “this time it is different” without further study or proof. Somewhat paradoxical as the rise in carbon dioxide lags the rise in temperature which gives rise to the theory that a warming planet allows carbon dioxide dissolved in the oceans to outgas and enter the atmosphere. The magic number… cw-2 Where did this magic number of 3.6 oF come from? The models, of course. The models which are parametrically driven to double the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and to then calculate a temperature which might account for such a doubling. This is both deceptive and disconcerting as it is pure conjecture that is not universally accepted science, no matter what the activists, politicians, and pundits might say. Projections and prophecies… cw-3 WILDFIRES DROUGHT EXTREME STORMS The Earth has always experienced wildfires, drought, and extreme storms. Many that are far stronger than what we see today and which occurred before the industrial revolution and the so-called beginning of man’s artificial carbon dioxide injection into the atmosphere. What the video does not say is that many of the problems, loss of property, and human life are due to siting structures in known storm-prone or climatic danger zones. Of course, the costs will increase as the population density increases, and political contributions of developers to corrupt politicians result in inadequate zoning regulations and building codes. And why, might you ask, do we rebuild storm-ravaged areas in areas with known problems? Now that is something that man can easily change. There will always be wet/dry cycles. There will always be wildfires, mostly caused by lightning. And it appears storms are more influenced by natural oscillations such as El Nino/La Nina and jet-streams than actual climate change. It is all one interconnected system with its own control and feedback mechanisms. I could make the case that some wildfire damages are more attributable to the environmentalists and their unscientific prescriptions than nature. What to do… planting trees? cw-4 Planting trees would help, but it would not solve the problem. According to the clip, “In truth, we would have to cover the entire contiguous US with trees just to capture 10% of the CO2 we emit annually. There's just not enough room on this planet to have the farmland it takes to feed the world plus the space to plant the necessary number of trees. In other words, many of us would starve if we tried using trees to solve our emissions problem.” And, they have no clue how to solve the problem… cw-5 Prescriptions that always are about extreme solutions that are based on increasing political power and wealth re-distribution… cw-6 And that is how they end the clip: “It’s going to require something drastic.” Bottom line… Ask yourself why almost all solutions involve de-growth, replacing capitalism with socialism, population control, and wealth redistribution? Ask yourself what major problems involving nature have the politicians been able to solve with any degree of success? And, ask yourself why the United States of America should lead the global clean-up to the benefit of our enemies China, Russia, and others who will not abide by the mostly ceremonial agreements and accords that are meaningless. I can understand why the United Nations wants to set themselves about national sovereignty and secure perpetual funding without the need for the contributions of member-states, but why are American politicians so willing to sell out our nation for a scientific hypothesis that exists only in the silicon silliness of flawed computer models? The answer is the true threat facing America: political corruption. We are so screwed. -- steve Reference links… The Earth has so much CO2 that planting trees can't save us - Business Insider article video

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


IT IS NOT A "CARAVAN," IT IS A FOREIGN EXPEDITIONARY INVASION FORCE Caravan With an estimated 7,000 to 10,000 individuals crossing Mexico from Central American countries with the sole purpose of crossing the U.S. border to illegally gain entrance to the United States, the progressive mainstream media refuses to call it what it is … an attempted invasion by a foreign force to breach the sovereignty of the United States of America. And if that is not bad enough, the progressive media goes on to attack any individual or group opposing such an illegal act as being racist and accused of fear-mongering. Minimizing the problem by comparing these “migrants” against the 12-20 million illegal aliens already in the United States. Blaming President Trump for attempting to reassert the rule of law when it comes to the Constitutional issue of protecting our sovereignty and opening our borders to millions of individuals who are rapidly trying to create a safer version of the hell-hole they left on American soil and using American assets – rather than assimilate and become Americans. Attempting to abolish ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) that stands between the horde and American citizens. Remember what Barack Obama said in 2005... “We are a generous and welcoming people in the United States but those who enter the country illegally and those who employ them disrespect the rule of law and they are showing disregard for those who are following the law." “We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked and circumventing the line pf people who are waiting patiently, diligently and lawfully to become immigrants in this country.” The video clip is available here. Or President Bill Clinton in his 1995 Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the State of the Union... All Americans, not only in the States most heavily affected but in every place in this country, are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country. The jobs they hold might otherwise be held by citizens or legal immigrants. The public service they use impose burdens on our taxpayers. That's why our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders more by hiring a record number of new border guards, by deporting twice as many criminal aliens as ever before, by cracking down on illegal hiring, by barring welfare benefits to illegal aliens. In the budget I will present to you, we will try to do more to speed the deportation of illegal aliens who are arrested for crimes, to better identify illegal aliens in the workplace as recommended by the commission headed by former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan. We are a nation of immigrants. But we are also a nation of laws. It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years, and we must do more to stop it. You did not hear the mainstream condemn former presidents Bill Clinton or Barack Obama as racists, bigots, xenophobes -- even when they used the phrase "illegal alien." Bottom line… It’s our country and it is illegal and immoral for the progressive socialist democrats to demand that we engage in massive wealth redistribution and cultural dilution by surrendering our sovereignty, private property, and the fruits of our labor to people attempting to break down the doors to our house.’' It is time to decide on the country you want to live in and leave to your children. VOTE-2018 SORRY, MY LIFE AND MY FAMILY COME BEFORE THE MILLIONS OF PEOPLE IN THE WORLD WHO WANT WHAT I HAVE. -- steve

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