House oversight committee chairman Rep. Darrell Issa announced plans Sunday to issue more subpoenas to Attorney General Eric Holder and the Justice Department in the ongoing Operation Fast and Furious congressional investigation.
“We want to know: what did they know and when did they know it,” Issa said on “Fox News Sunday.” “But, more specifically, we have to understand, at what level did the authorization come? It wasn’t an ATF operation — they were part of that.”
“It was a joint operation, the DEA [Drug Enforcement Administration] knew more than ATF knew,” Issa continued. “And, of course, these are all part of the Department of Justice, and as we’re beginning to see, and we’re not talking about Eric Holder at this moment, people at the top of Justice were well-briefed, knew about it and seemed to be in command and controlled funding of this program.”
It’s unclear if Holder and the DOJ will comply with this round of subpoenas. Justice Department spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler did not respond Sunday to The Daily Caller when asked if the administration will respond to Issa’s new subpoenas.
But Issa hopes they will.
“Any law enforcement person who’s been asked under oath, or not under oath, comes back and says, ‘this wasn’t the right way to do it,’” Issa told Fox News. “Well, when did they know it wasn’t the right way to do it and why did they keep doing it?”
Last week, briefing memos surfaced showing that Holder was personally informed about the details of Operation Fast and Furious as early as July 2010. Holder received at least five written briefings containing Operation Fast and Furious details last summer and was sent another detailed memo in November 2010. Emails between other top Justice Department officials show they were concerned about the consequences of allowing a significant number of guns to “walk” into the hands of Mexican drug cartels via “straw purchasers.”
Letting guns “walk” means that Justice Department officials allowed “straw purchasers” to buy weapons and sell them, without any tracking or surveillance, to Mexican drug cartels. Straw purchasers are people who could legally buy guns in the United States but were doing so with the known intention of selling them to drug cartels.
Read more:http://dailycaller.com/2011/10/09/issa-to-issue-new-fast-and-furious-subpoenas/#ixzz1aPWcD5Yj
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