Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Obama Kabuki Theater "Budget"

President Obama performed some more of his Kabuki Theater for our entertainment yesterday in another nationally televised campaign stump speech thinly disguised as his second budget proposal out of 4 such opportunities. He proffered one in 2009, and it failed in the Democrat Senate, by a vote of 0 to 97. The House never took the matter up for a vote. He failed to propose one in 2010, even though his party still held the House, and a near super majority in the Senate. 2011 sailed through without a budget proposal, but instead two major battles over debt resulting from uncontrolled spending. So yesterday, he told us that suddenly, we can not wait any longer, that we needed to pass a budget, his budget without any delay. If we can't wait, why hasn't the Senate acted on a budget in over 1000 days?  Find out here on Tea Party Nation. OBAMA AND UNILATERAL SURRENDER If there is any doubt that Barack Obama wants to see the United States reduced from the status of a super power to the status of just another country. Obama has tried to wreck our economy, destroy the nation’s wealth, gut the military and now he is endangering American security and potentially setting the stage for a war. What is he doing?  Find out on Visit Tea Party Nation at:

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