Friday, January 9, 2015


One Citizen Speaking...


Posted: 08 Jan 2015 05:20 PM PST

Once again our friend Bluegrass Bruce sounds the clarion call that highlights the fact that all those who purport to support the Second Amendment may have self-serving motivations that condition their thinking. Many of these so-called advocates are little more than fundraising organizations that benefit their owners – money machines fed by stories of the dire consequences to gun rights should the Second Amendment be abolished or restricted by government fiat.

Here is what Bruce has to say … 

“Pro-Gun” Lawsuit Is About Money, Not Rights

The Second Amendment Foundation filed a lawsuit last week against I-594 in Washington State. It will do nothing to protect the rights of Washington state gun owners.

The lawsuit only addresses one small aspect of the law -- the restrictions it places on out-of-state gun owners. It says nothing about gun owners who live in Washington, nor does it mention that universal background checks are a clear infringement on the Constitution. Even if the lawsuit is successful, the worst aspects of I-594 will remain intact.

Why doesn’t the lawsuit challenge the legislation head on? Because the organization behind it – the Second Amendment Foundation – does not believe that universal background checks are unconstitutional. It supports them.

Second Amendment Foundation founder Alan Gottlieb admitted this in a press release, saying:

“We’re not trying to stop background checks. We’re taking action against a poorly-written and unconstitutionally vague measure that criminalizes activities that are perfectly legal anywhere else in the country, thus striking at the very heart of a constitutionally-protected, fundamental civil right.”
This is not the first time that Gottlieb has promoted background checks – far from it. He endorsed the Manchin-Toomey Amendment that nearly passed U.S. Congress in 2013. Last year, he released a video calling on gun groups to “lead, not follow” on the issue of background checks.

Gottlieb says that gun owners have to compromise on background checks because otherwise we will be dismissed as “extremists”. He says that we have to give up our rights because it is the only way to keep the Second Amendment intact.

But the late Aaron Zelman, founder of Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, felt that Gottlieb had a different motivation for supporting background checks: fundraising. In August 2014, Claire Wolfe wrote:
“[Zelman] despised Alan Gottlieb and saw him as an opportunist who used scary mailings to turn SAF/CCRKBA into a fundraising factory. He saw Gottlieb as a person who needed and wanted ‘gun control’ because that’s what kept the money and the publicity flowing.”
The I-594 lawsuit is nothing more than a publicity stunt. It is not meant to protect gun rights. It is meant to raise money. Why else would a group that supports background checks take the trouble to challenge them – unless they thought there was money to be made?

It was recently reported that Gottlieb uses his gun rights groups to funnel money to the private companies that he owns:
“While tax documents show Gottlieb collects $72,000 in pay annually between Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee, millions of dollars raised by those nonprofits have gone to Gottlieb’s for-profit direct-mail business, Merril Associates. According to tax records nonprofits must file, Second Amendment Foundation paid Merril Associates $4.1 million between 2002 and 2012, while Citizens Committee paid the company nearly $1.1 million in that time.”
There are millions of patriots in this country who won’t budge an inch in their support of the Second Amendment. It is a shame that some people will bargain away our rights just so they can turn a profit.

Source: Bluegrass Bruce

Well said Bruce.

Bottom line …

I suggest that there are those among us who are actually aiding the progressive socialist democrats and others who want to eliminate or curtail our Second Amendment rights. And that we should not be swayed by their pitches, preserving our funds for the NRA (National Rifle Association), your state’s association, and your local gun club – the people who fight for the Second Amendment on an unconditional basis.

Keep up the good fight.

-- steve

Disclaimer: I am a life member of the NRA (endowment level), a member of the California Rifle and Pistol Association, and my local club.


Posted: 07 Jan 2015 08:02 PM PST

Islam has little or no tolerance for diversity of religious thought or freedom of the press …

Once again, we see so-called radical Muslims mount a mass-murder attack, this time on a publication that publishes satirical material in a non-Muslim country where religious free speech and the right to choose one’s religion is the norm.

ch1"100 lashes if you don't die of laughter"

At this time: 12 dead, five critical, 22 injured …

Paris Attack: Manhunt As Armed Killers Flee

Three masked men kill 12 people after storming the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, then flee after a gun battle.

The bodies of victims are being removed from a Paris building as police conduct a major manhunt for gunmen who killed 12 at the headquarters of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

Three masked gunmen stormed the offices of the controversial publication, which has previously been attacked for its portrayal of the Prophet Mohammed. The attackers were armed with Kalashnikov rifles and a rocket-propelled grenade during the attack on Wednesday morning.

The attackers are said to have called out their victims by name before shooting them. In one video clip, one of them is heard to shout:

"We have avenged the prophet."

Source:Paris Attack: Manhunt As Armed Killers Flee

While the President of the United States touts Islam as the “religion of peace,” any rational person can see that the religion has little or no tolerance for basic human rights – especially the right to practice another religion or the type of free speech that promotes societal values.

Déjà vu all over again ...

From the White House Press Conference September 19, 2012 ...

REPORTER: The French government has decided to temporarily close their embassies and schools in several Muslim countries after a satirical weekly, Charlie Hebdo, that published cartoons mocking the Prophet Muhammad. Is the White House concerned that those cartoons might further fan the flames in the region?

CARNEY: Well, we are aware that a French magazine published cartoons featuring a figure resembling the Prophet Muhammad, and obviously, we have questions about the judgment of publishing something like this. We know that these images will be deeply offensive to many and have the potential to be inflammatory. But we’ve spoken repeatedly about the importance of upholding the freedom of expression that is enshrined in our Constitution.

In other words, we don’t question the right of something like this to be published; we just question the judgment behind the decision to publish it. And I think that that’s our view about the video that was produced in this country and has caused so much offense in the Muslim world.

Now, it has to be said, and I’ll say it again, that no matter how offensive something like this is, it is not in any way justification for violence — not in any way justification for violence. Now, we have been staying in close touch with the French government as well as other governments around the world, and we appreciate the statements of support by French government officials over the past week, denouncing the violence against Americans and our diplomatic missions overseas.

Those that claim these terrorists were not religious, have perverted Islam, or do not represent a significant majority of Muslims are lying …

For those who believe that a small group of radical terrorists should not be allowed to color the greater Muslim population, perhaps one should consider that Qur’an is quite explicit in the duties of the faithful and that the Qur’an itself cannot be modified as it is accepted as the literal word of God as transcribed by his Prophet Mohammad.

As much as we want to believe that Islamic terrorists are a religious aberration, it is not true. Perhaps we should consider that these terrorists represent the most fundamental historic and traditional interpretation of the religion – unaltered  by the western civilization’s concept of human rights.

Hundreds of millions of Muslims either celebrate or condone such attacks.

Proof may lie in the examination of the Whabbism that is practiced in Saudi Arabia – and exported worldwide through the funding of Mosques and the travel of radical Imams in Western nations. It is more than likely that the Saudis have given direct aid and comfort to terrorists in return for not attacking the Kingdom. Possibly why a significant section of the 9/11 report on foreign involvement, thought to highlight the involvement of high-ranking Saudis, remains classified.

And, let us not forget a fundamental fact: devout Muslims believe it is their highest calling to promote the spread of Islam, and if necessary, martyr themselves in the name of Allah and are promised their reward in the afterlife.

While not all Muslims are terrorists or want to return to 12th Century laws, we have yet to see a significant repudiation of terrorist tactics by their so-called “silent majority.” Perhaps they are afraid to speak out – but then again, perhaps they secretly agree with the radical faction of their religion?

Problematical immigration in Europe …

According to author Christopher Caldwell, who in his book, "Reflections on the Revolution In Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West" pointed out that “'In the middle of the 20th century, there were virtually no Muslims in Western Europe. And,  "At the turn of the 21st, there were between 15 and 17 million Muslims in Western Europe, including 5 million in France, 4 million in Germany and 2 million in Britain." In some countries, Muslims have “demanded” autonomy and the imposition of Sharia law in their own communities.

He [Caldwell]  describes guest worker programs that far outlasted their economic justifications, and asylum policies that have served illegal immigrants better than refugees. He exposes the strange ways in which welfare states interact with Third World customs, the anti-Americanism that brings European natives and Muslim newcomers together, and the arguments over women and sex that drive them apart. He considers the appeal of sharia, “resistance,” and jihad to a second generation that is more alienated from Europe than the first, and addresses a crisis of faith among native Europeans that leaves them with a weak hand as they confront the claims of newcomers.

And, it is coming to the United States …

Since Muslims believe that non-believers should pay tax (jizya) to Muslims, they have no compunction from looting our welfare and social assistance programs. It is said that up to 80% of Muslims in Europe may be living on some type of welfare. <Source>

Prominent Muslim Cleric: Collect Gov’t Welfare as a ‘Jihad Seeker’s Allowance’

A prominent Muslim cleric in the United Kingdom reportedly urged a group of fellow Muslims to collect government benefits as a “jihad seeker’s allowance,” saying non-Muslims who work 9-5 jobs will end up “committing suicide” at the end of their lives when they realize it wasn’t worth anything.

“People will say, ‘Ah, but you are not working’.  But the normal situation is for you to take money from the kuffar. So we take Jihad Seeker’s Allowance. You need to get support.”

Comparing benefits to a jizya, or tax on non-Muslims, he added a laugh: “They give us the money — you work, give us the money!  Allahu akbar, we take the money.” <Source>

Mirror in the Blacks and their civil rights struggle …

Say anything negative about Islam or Muslims in America and CAIR (Counsel on American-Islamic Relations) will scream racism, discrimination, and civil rights violations. But, who is behind CAIR? Our friends the Saudis? The Muslim Brotherhood?

According to Zuhdi Jasser, founder of American Islamic Forum for Democracy, CAIR has received "significant Saudi financing.” CAIR acknowledged that it received $500,000 Library project from Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal. <Source>

It appears they have learned that they can use our own laws against us in their fight to bring Islamic traditions to America.

Bottom line …


If one were to describe the Muslim culture and its impact on Western nations, it would be best described as “adversarial.” Opposed to our concept of religious freedom, opposed to many of our cultural freedoms and practices, and opposed to a secular government not ruled under the Qur’an.

Our Constitution is not a suicide pact nor is it a vehicle to aid and abet our enemies, both foreign and domestic, as they plan the overthrow of the United States government or plan attacks on America or American people.

And, that there is little or no doubt that there is a fifth column operating in the United States which seeks to promote Sharia law and the expansion of Muslims. It also appears that the United States government is reluctant to move against organizations like CAIR – said to be the propaganda and fundraising arm of the radical Muslim Brotherhood – lest we violate their First Amendment rights. Like crying “fire” in a crowded theatre is not a covered First Amendment activity, neither should be the radicalization of Americans – notably Black Muslims and others in prison; where you have easy access to psychopaths, the disaffected, the angry, and the weak of mind.

It could happen here again -- remember the Fort Hood massacre by a radicalized domestic Islamic terrorist that the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, has refused to classify as a terrorist attack; labeling it workplace violence. The same Barack Hussein Obama that looked at the devastation in France today and could not bring himself to mention jihad, Muslim terrorists, or Islam. The same Barack Hussein Obama that wants to treat terrorism as a federal crime -- where they receive the protections of our Constitution and are told to remain silent  -- instead of an act of war – closing Guantanamo in favor of keeping terrorists in the continental United States.

Perhaps it is time to engage in a discussion of restricting immigration by more Muslims and curtail travel visas from any country that has a majority Muslim population. While the Islamic religion does not spread as fast as Ebola, it can be just as deadly. Perhaps we should quarantine those who want to live in the 12th century to those countries that live under 12th century laws.

Where do you hide when a large portion of the world’s population want you dead?

In honor of the slain French cartoonists and editorial support staff, say a prayer and send the terrorists a message.


-- steve

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