Monday, December 17, 2012

Tea Party Nation

The left wing has already started the narrative. In the best tradition of Rahm Emmanuel, they are not letting this crisis go to waste. They are doing their best to push it for all they can in order to get draconian gun control laws passed.

We conservatives have to seize the narrative from the left. They control most of the media but we have social media that we can use to change the narrative.

What is the narrative of this horrible shooting and other mass killings?

The narrative is that mentally ill people kill.

About 77 million Americans legally own guns. None of them went on a shooting rampage on Friday. One mentally ill man did. He was not even a gun owner. He stole those guns from his mother.

Immediately after the shooter was identified as Adam Lanza, a former classmate wrote on Twitter that he was not surprised that it was Lanza.

Lanza had a history of mental illness. According to some reports he had an altercation the day before at the school. The obvious question is why the hell wasn’t that investigated. According to another report after the altercation, Lanza tried to buy guns at Dick’s Sporting Good. Why didn’t this show up on some people’s radar? You have a mentally ill person who has a fight then tries to buy guns?

This is the one area I agree with the gun control nuts. The mentally ill should not be allowed to possess firearms.

But the problem is not guns; the problem is the mentally ill.

On July 20, 2012, James Holmes open fire on a movie theater in Aurora Colorado. 23 people were killed. Before he committed his crime, Holmes was a psychiatric patient. Holmes is being held pretrial and his attorneys are already raising a mental health defense.

On January 8, 2011 Jared Laughner opened fire on an open-air meeting being held by Congressman Gabby Giffords. After his arrest, he was the subject of forced medication because he was mentally ill. Eventually after months of treatment, he became competent enough to enter a guilty plea.

Seung Hui Cho was a mentally ill student at Virginia Tech. On April 16, 2007, he went to the campus and killed 32 people and wounded 17 others. He took his own life.

Again, the shooter was mentally ill.

Here is the problem.

We have 77 million legal gun owners. These are not the problem. The problem is the mentally ill. In this nation, it is almost impossible to commit someone who is mentally ill before they commit a crime.

In the 70’s the mentally ill were hospitalizes. In the 80’s the trend became to deinstitutionalize the mentally ill. Today, even if you do pose a threat to someone it is almost impossible to do anything about the mentally ill.

Instead the left wants to strip Americans of their rights. Our founding fathers knew that two types of people want a disarmed citizenry. The first was criminals and the second is tyrants.

The left is going to use this most recent and horrific crime to try and strip our 2nd Amendment rights away.

We need to change the narrative and we can do it through social media.

The problem is not guns. The problem is the mentally ill.

Not ever mentally ill person is a threat. Some lady who is OCD who spends four hours a day cleaning her kitchen is not a threat. But there are mentally ill people who are.

Those are the people we need to watch and in some cases institutionalize.

But one thing is certain. We must beat back the narrative that guns are the issue and we must fight back on that narrative or we will find tyranny taking away yet another one of our rights and our freedom.

Tags: adam, aurora, colorado, holmes, ill, james, jared, lanza, loughner, mentally, More…
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