Monday, October 7, 2013

Tea Party Economist ...

Obama’s Fall-Back Position on a Default 
The United States Constitution is clear: “All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.” (Article I, Section 7) If the Republicans decide not to submit a budget, the government will shut down. That is what we are being […] READ MORE 

What If Younger Americans Skip Coverage by ObamaCare? 
ObamaCare is structured to force younger healthy workers to pay for older, sicker Americans. The old will sign up. Those with existing conditions will sign up. But younger workers may decide to skip it, pay a small tax, and live with no coverage. Rates on younger workers are likely to triple. Millions of Americans will […] READ MORE 

California Under the Democrats: Massive Poverty 
California’s poverty rate is now 24%. Nationally, it is 16%. This places California close to the bottom: #47. One-third of the welfare recipients in the United States live in California. As for inequality, there is no state more unequal in terms of wealth distribution. Silicon Valley is rich. Most of the state is not. Joel […] READ MORE 

FREE BOOK: Rescue Your Money from US Debt Disaster

The Scary Truth Behind Washington Budget Fights

Obamacare Projected to Spike Gold Prices

The Fake Threat: Government Default 
The head of the International Monetary Fund has warned that a default on the debt of the United States government would create an international economic crisis. The Secretary of the Treasury says the same. Indeed, the entire establishment of international debt warns that the ever-growing debt of the U.S. government is central to the prosperity […] READ MORE 

800,000 Furloughed Federal Workers. No One Notices. 
We are told that the federal government has furloughed 800,000 workers. Have you noticed any difference in your lifestyle? I haven’t. Did these people perform crucial duties? If so, we should be noticing their absence. But we don’t. The National Park Service in Washington has put up barricades around the memorials. World War II vets […] READ MORE 

Closing National Parks: Chump Change 
When we are told about the horrors of the furloughs of 800,000 federal workers, the standard example is the shutdown of national parks. It’s fall, folks. Summer is over. Almost nobody goes to the parks in fall. The kids are in school. Could the parks charge a market price? Of course. But the headlines indicate […] READ MORE 

Student Charged for Leaving Fishing Gear in Car 
Libertarians and conservatives often get chastised by liberals for holding a principled stance against “gun free” or “weapon free” zones. The enforcement of these zones not only makes people less safe, it also creates a confusing situation where a few elected officials try to determine which objects should be categorized as weapons. Although, the individuals […] READ MORE 

Revenge Rape and the First Amendment 
Long dead English playwright William Congreve penned the famous (paraphrased) line: “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” Thanks to today’s cell phone technology and wandering morals, we will see if the First Amendment’s “free speech” will withstand the latest furious onslaught from one Holly Jacobs (nee Thometz). Ms. Holly claims to be a […] READ MORE 

ObamaCare Regulations So Far: 10,535 Pages 
When the government passes a law, it must be enforced. The executive branch of the government then makes up the actual enforcement rules. It interprets the law and translates it into actual regulations. The ObamaCare law was 2,000 pages long. That is just the beginning. Now the executive branch is building on its foundations. The […] READ MORE 

Hugo Chavez’s Communist Legacy: Food Shortages 
The news is rife with stories of the awful shortages of basic essentials in Venezuela. For example, the BBC World Service did an extended report, and the following comes from a Guardian article: It’s the rainy season in Venezuela and Pedro Rodríguez has had to battle upturned manhole lids, flooded avenues and infernal traffic jams […] READ MORE 

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