Saturday, September 7, 2013

One Citizen Speaking...

Is United States Senator Dianne Feinstein Violating Her Oath of Office by asking a federal agency to violate existing immigration laws?

Posted: 07 Sep 2013 02:18 AM PDT

I was not aware that any federal agency could violate federal laws with impunity -- and yet, that is exactly what Senator Dianne Feinstein is requesting …

September 3, 2013

The Honorable Janet Napolitano
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528

Dear Secretary Napolitano:

As you may be aware, I wrote former U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director John Morton a little over a year ago on June 13, 2012, requesting that ICE’s enforcement efforts focus on immigration law violations that involve serious violent crimes, per President Obama’s directive, as opposed to members of the agricultural community. Please find the June 13, 2012 letter, attached. I am unfortunately again receiving troubling feedback from farmers in California that ICE is increasing I-9 worksite audits against agricultural employers. As you have recognized previously, the agricultural industry faces an acute shortage of domestic workers. Therefore, I respectfully request that you redirect ICE’s enforcement efforts to focus on immigration law violations that involve serious violent crimes, and that you exercise prosecutorial discretion to forego enforcement against legitimate agricultural employers and their workers.

Many farmers and growers in California informed me that their business and livelihood are at risk due to a shortage of legal harvesters, pickers, pruners, packers, and farm workers. As you can imagine, with approximately 81,000 farms in California, I am very concerned that these audits will result in significant harm to the agricultural industry and the state’s overall economy.

Nor is California’s situation unique in our country, although, as the largest agricultural state, California is particularly affected. Farmers from all across the United States have expressed the severe harm they have been suffering from the lack of willing and available domestic agricultural employees. For your benefit, I am enclosing a booklet that I compiled, which provides examples of the workforce crisis facing the agricultural industry from every one of the 50 states in the U.S.

The utilization of I-9 enforcement audits against agricultural employers exacerbates this crisis. When employers being audited receive notification that certain employees have not provided proper work authorization documents, those workers must be terminated. Because the reality is that the majority of farm workers in the U.S. are foreign-born and unauthorized – which is well-known --, I am afraid that this aggressive worksite enforcement strategy will deprive the agricultural sector of most of its workforce and cause farmers and related industries across the country significant economic harm, as well as driving up food prices for consumers.

As I believe you are aware, this year, I collaborated with Senators Rubio, Bennet and Hatch to negotiate and develop a new bipartisan legislative proposal to solve this crisis that is balanced and fair. This proposal, the “Agricultural Worker Program”, was incorporated into the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act, which the Senate passed in June, 2013.

However, until Congress passes comprehensive immigration reform laws, I strongly believe that we cannot ignore the plight of America’s farmers, especially during tough economic times. For every job lost on farms and ranches, the country loses approximately three jobs in related sectors, like packaging and manufacturing, that are supported by having the agricultural production here in this country. Without action on this important issue, I am concerned that the production of American-grown fruits, vegetables, and dairy will continue to downsize or move overseas, which puts the economy and health of the Nation at risk.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement has wisely used its prosecutorial discretion to defer removal of young people who arrived in the United States without documentation as children, recognizing that our limited resources are better spent targeting aliens with criminal records or who otherwise present a threat to the safety of the United States. I respectfully suggest that you adopt a similar policy of exercising prosecutorial discretion to defer enforcement against agricultural employers and workers, and concentrate instead on removing those who would and have harmed our society, rather than those who contribute to our vital agricultural economy and heritage, and the safe and high-quality food supply that benefits all Americans..


Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator

Source: Feinstein to DHS: Halt Prosecutions of Agricultural Employers, Employees - Press Releases - News Room - United States Senator Dianne Feinstein

How can illegal aliens and those who illegally hire them be regarded as “legitimate agricultural employers and their workers?”

A partisan congress appears afraid to challenge the President’s power to issue signing statements that are clearly unconstitutional …

The Constitution does not authorize the President to use signing statements to circumvent any validly enacted Congressional Laws, nor does it authorize him to declare he will disobey such laws (or parts thereof). When a bill passed by both the House and the Senate is presented to the President of the United States, Article I of the United States Constitution provides for ONLY three actions: do nothing, sign the bill into law, or veto the bill in its entirety and return it to the House in which it originated, along with his written objections to the provisions he finds troublesome.

By extension, no federal agency has the power to refuse to uphold valid laws that are a result of Congressional activity and signed into the law by the President …

Other than seeking judicial review in a court of competent jurisdiction, Executive Branch agencies of the federal government are sworn to uphold the law of the land. Any prioritization of discretionary actions that would operationally nullify valid laws without the approval of Congress and the Courts can be actionable and those implementing such actions held accountable in a court of competent jurisdiction.

Bottom line …

If the Executive Branch of the government can pick and choose which Congressional laws they will enforce, there is a serious breach of the United States Constitution. And, the failure of Congress to cure such a breach by modifying or nullifying the existing law or holding those who disobey the law is part of the problem.

Because of the hyper-politicization and polarization of today’s Congress, they appear unwilling to uphold their oath of office and continually cede power to the Executive Branch of government. It is important that Congress be returned to their oversight duties and to fulfilling the wishes of “We the People” rather than the dictates of the special interest lobbyists. Therefore, starting with the 2014 congressional election cycle perhaps all members of congress who have violated their oath should be removed from office. All members of the House are vulnerable and one-third of the Senate is vulnerable to replacement by “We the People.”

Perhaps it is prudent to reform the Tea Party with its inclusion of republicans, democrats, and independents with the sole purpose of eliminating the corruption that has nearly destroyed America.

-- steve


Posted: 06 Sep 2013 03:30 PM PDT

I find the following story extremely disturbing in light of an historic number of corrupt politicians taking money from lobbyists …

Woman informing Kerry, McCain’s opinions on Syria also an advocate for Syrian rebels

The woman whose opinion lawmakers are relying on to go to war in Syria is also a paid advocate for the war-torn country’s rebels.

On Wednesday, Secretary of State John Kerry encouraged members of the House of Representatives to read a Wall Street Journal op-ed by 26-year-old Elizabeth O’Bagy — an analyst with the Institute for the Study of War — who asserted that concerns about extremists dominating among the Syrian rebels are unfounded.

“Contrary to many media accounts, the war in Syria is not being waged entirely, or even predominantly, by dangerous Islamists and al-Qaida die-hards,” O’Bagy wrote for the Journal on Aug. 30. “Moderate opposition groups make up the majority of actual fighting forces,” she wrote.

But in addition to her work for the Institute for the Study of War, O’Bagy is also the political director for the Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF), a group that advocates within the United States for Syria’s rebels — a fact that the Journal did not disclose in O’Bagy’s piece.

In an interview with The Daily Caller, O’Bagy said that despite her title as the group’s political director, she is paid as a contractor.

She insisted that she is not involved in the political lobbying that SETF does. “They kind of have two departments within the Task Force — one focused on working with the government on the Hill on advocacy and then the other working inside Syria and directly implementing government contracts,” she said.

O’Bagy’s relationship with SETF is a serious conflict of interest, according to David Reaboi, vice president for strategic communications at the Center for Security Policy.

“While there’s been a lot of worthwhile effort to expose activists considered pro-Assad or pro-Hezbollah — or, at least, to consider their analysis as coming from an interested party — O’Bagy seems to pass herself off as an impartial observer of the situation. Her access to Congress, intelligence services and to think tanks should be regarded as what it really is, which is a reflection of the Syrian rebels’ cause and aspirations,” Reaboi said.

In speaking with TheDC, O’Bagy regularly insisted that she was not a salaried employee of SETF, but a paid contractor acting in an advisory role.

“I’m the political director and aid coordinator, and that’s my official title at the organization, but that’s mostly because it provides me an opportunity to engage on humanitarian issues and to be a part of some of these larger government contracts going to humanitarian aid,” O’Bagy said.

The Foreign Policy news site reported in June that SETF “boasts extensive contacts with rebel commanders” and “spent months lobbying Congress, the State Department and the White House for everything from small arms to anti-tank and and anti-aircraft weapons to body armor to advanced communications equipment for the rebels.”

Read more at: Woman informing Kerry, McCain’s opinions on Syria also an advocate for Syrian rebels

Bottom line …

I am extremely concerned that foreign sovereign interests, such as Saudi Arabia, militant Muslim terrorists, and perhaps even al Qaeda, might have greater access to politicians and our institutional infrastructure than American citizens.

Perhaps the only solution is to curb the growing tide of political corruption in the Washington cesspool during the 2014 congressional election cycle. Another opportunity to remove corrupt, racist, and disingenuous progressive socialist democrats from Congress.

Something stinks in the democrat party – and it starts with Barack Hussein Obama. A President unlike any other president in history when it comes to disadvantaging America on the world stage. Whereas former President Jimmy Carter was the father of Islamo-fascism, with his promotion of the Iranian Ayatollah Khomeini, and Bill Clinton with his crony capitalism and state-sponsored lying … nobody has done as much damage to the Presidency and America than President Barrack Hussein Obama. From his refusal to release documents relating to his eligibility for office – that could end a controversy in a matter of hours – to his dubious association with radical socialists, communists, and Islamic terrorists, Obama is simply unqualified for he office he currently holds. He is inept and lost without his corrupt, ideology-driven progressive socialist democrat advisers. No wonder he prefers campaigning rather than governing.

And, no wonder, Obama sees no problem with lying to Americans, from Benghazi to the statement that he did not create a red line in Syria, he appears to be a psychopath when it comes to standing before the American public and lying or blaming someone else for the actions of his administration.

Enough is enough. The progressive socialist democrats have proven they are unworthy of office and need to be thrown out on the corrupt collective asses.

-- steve

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